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Romanian Chess Championships 2024 start in Eforie Nord

by L'immortale

The Romanian National Chess Championships 2024 starts and will be played from 23 February to 2 March at the Eforie-Nord Complex Steaua de Mare. The event is played in three sections: Open, Women’s and Amatuers, with the total prize fund of 100.000 lei (~20.000 euros).

Romanian Open and Women’s Chess Championships 2024 will be played in 9 rounds, swiss system, with the time control of 90 minutes for 40 moves, plus 15 minutes until the end of the game, with 30-second increment for each move. The time control in the Amateurs event is 60 minutes + 30-second increment, with 9 swiss rounds in the tournament.

Final rankings: Mircea Parligras and Miruna Daria Lehaci clinch titles

More than 150 players registered for the events, and there are 69 entries in the Open tournament, and 35 registered players in the Women’s event. Five-time Romanian Champion GM Constantin Lupulescu (2589), two-time Romanian Champion GM Mircea-Emilian Parligras (2537) and 20-year-old Romanian talent GM David Gavrilescu (2524) headline the field in the Open tournament, which includes IM Irina Bulmaga (2429). Bulmaga will again attack the podium after a great performance in the Romanian Open Championship last year when she lost a medal in the last round and finished the event in the 4th place. Irina Bulmaga is the 7th seed in the tournament this year, and she is the only woman player registered for the Open competition.

Irina Bulmaga at the Romanian Open Chess Championship 2023; photo by Romanian Chess Federation

12-time Romanian Women’s Chess Champion IM Corina-Isabela Peptan (2314) tops the field in the Women’s tournament together with Romanian representative WGM Mihaela Sandu (2270), four-time Romanian Women’s Champion WGM Elena-Luminita Cosma and the defending Champion WIM Miruna-Daria Lehaci (2227).

Starting lists of players for both events can be seen at the bottom of the article

WIM Miruna-Daria Lehaci will try to defend the Romanian Women’s Champion title; Photo by Romanian Chess Federation

The Winner of the Romanian Open Championship will clinch the title and earn the money-prize of 15.000 lei (~3.000 euros), and the Women’s Champion will pocket the prize of 8.000 lei (~1.600 euros). The prizes distribution is shown below:

Tournament schedule is shown on the picture below:

Detailed information about the events and official regulations can be found on the Official website. / Chess-Results link

List of registered players – Romanian Open and Women’s Chess Championships 2024:

No. NameFEDRtgsex
1GMLupulescu, ConstantinROU2589 
2GMParligras, Mircea-EmilianROU2537 
3GMGavrilescu, DavidROU2524 
4IMGhimpu, Samuel-TimoteiROU2467 
5GMNevednichy, VladislavROU2445 
6IMBulmaga, IrinaROU2429w
7FMMagold, FilipROU2400 
8FMStoleriu, GeorgeROU2391 
9GMManolache, MariusROU2387 
10FMOgnean, Mihnea-IonutROU2382 
11FMIlinca, Felix-AntonioROU2377 
12FMSecheres, Adrian-SimionROU2371 
13FMAntonica, Dragos-AndreiROU2366 
14IMDavid, Alexandru-VasileROU2360 
15IMCosma, IoanROU2316 
16FMCnejev, Vladimir-AlexandruROU2311 
17FMCiorgovean, IustinROU2310 
18FMSerban, Cristian-StefanROU2309 
19CMPrisacaru, Stefan-EmilianROU2289 
20FMAntal, Hunor-ZoltanROU2272 
21FMBonte, Andrei-MihaiROU2272 
22FMTudor, Henry EdwardROU2239 
23FMNastase, Robert-PaulROU2226 
24FMDaianu, Cristian-ClementROU2201 
25FMMaximov, OlegROU2186 
26FMNastore, Pavel-AlexandruROU2182 
27CMVilcu, Matei-StefanROU2176 
28FMPisu, Robert-DanielROU2154 
29FMVoiteanu, GabrielROU2151 
30CMRadu, David CrROU2142 
31CMCoicev, Matei-AndreiROU2122 
32IPrelipcean, Eric-MateiROU2103 
33CMBotea, David-AlexandruROU2081 
34CMCraciun, Sasha-MateiROU2080 
35CMCiocani, IosifROU2063 
36IGales, Randi-IoanROU2062 
37CMSava, Robert-GabrielROU2053 
38FMBuzbuchi, IonutROU2041 
39INegrean, AndreiROU2040 
40IMintau, Andrei-CatalinROU2039 
41IMazilu, Stefan FabianROU2036 
42IVedmediuc, ArtiomROU2035 
43CMAndronescu, MadalinROU2007 
44IMelinte, Rares-AndreiROU1989 
45IDodoi, Matei-TeodorROU1947 
46CMSamu, Sorin-MihaiROU1945 
47ICostescu, Mihnea-ConstantinROU1944 
48CMArmenciu, Bogdan-OvidiuROU1936 
49ICorbu, George-AlexandruROU1902 
50IDanila, Tudor-GabrielROU1901 
51IICruceru-Uceanu, Tudor-MihaiROU1894 
52IGhita, Vlad-BogdanROU1844 
53CMNastase, StefanROU1815 
54IConstantinoiu, Alexandru IoanROU1772 
55IBurtea, Marius-ValentinROU1770 
56AIMIvancescu, Bogdan-AndreiROU1761 
57IVisanescu, Dragos-NicholasROU1759 
58IILucaci, Alin-MarianROU1740 
59IStanica, AndreiROU1720 
60CMAnuta, Elefterie-LaurentiuROU1649 
61IIZlate-Ion, MateiROU1646 
62ICazacu, Iustin-NicolasROU1622 
63IIVarabiescu, PetruROU1561 
64IAndrei, GheorgheROU1493 
65IIGanea, Yanis-AndreiROU1482 
66INedelcu, CristianROU1475 
67IIMatei-Catruna, AndreiROU1342 
68IIBostina, Vladimir-IoanROU1264 
69IIMoraru, Stefan-RobertROU1198 
No. NameRtg
1IMPeptan, Corina-Isabela2314
2WGMSandu, Mihaela2270
3WGMCosma, Elena-Luminita2238
4WIMLehaci, Miruna-Daria2227
5WIMCiolacu, Alessia-Mihaela2175
6WFMCosman, Andreea-Marioara2115
7WFMPirvulescu, Ekaterina2091
8WCMTrifoi, Mihaela-Ioana2003
9WFMObada, Ema1969
10WCMStanciu, Andreea-Briana1960
11WCMMaria, Lia-Alexandra1937
12WCMSava, Ana-Maria1916
13AFMParaschiv, Petronela-Alexandr1875
14WCMBatagan, Ilinca-Petra1859
15IArdelean, Lorela-Daniela1802
16WCMIordache, Alexia-Andreea1774
17WCMPuia, Alexia-Teodora1751
18WCMSchiopu, Oana-Magdalena1750
19IHoanca, Alexia-Ioana1748
20IAldea, Maria-Antonia1738
21WFMSariteanu, Sabina1700
22WCMChicarosie, Ioana-Bianca1700
23IBira, Andrada-Paraschiva1590
24ISunea, Sara Maria1573
25IIPetculescu, Diana-Silvana1556
26ICiocirlan, Bianca-Alexandra1542
27IBadica, Ariana1494
28IIVorniceanu, Alina1474
29IIKiss, Hanna1419
30IIDumitrache, Elisa-Andreea1379
31IIKiss, Abigel1279
32IIMalaieru, Alexandra-Gabriela1258
33IStanica, Maria1059
34IIPaun, Liliana1054
35FCColioglu-Matei, Mariana1001

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