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Six players topped the Munich Chess Open 2023

by L'immortale

The 1st Munich International Chess Festival 2023 took place from May 31 to June 6 in Munich, Germany, with three European Champions in the field: GM Alexey Saranaย (Serbia, 2685), European Individual Chess Champion 2021ย GM Anton Demchenkoย (FIDE, 2623) and European Individual Chess Champion 2014ย GM Alexander Motylevย (FIDE, 2604)!

The event was played in 9 rounds, swiss system, with the total prize fund of 30.000 euros. As many as six players tied for the top scoring 7 points, each, and the tiebreak criteria determined the final rankings. GM Alexander Motylev (FIDE, 2604) was first, GM Alexey Sarana (Serbia, 2685) came second, GM Anton Demchenko (FIDE, 2623) finished third, IM Aljoscha Feuerstack (Germany, 2462) was fourth, IM Maximilian Berchtenbreiter (Germany, 2483) came fifth, and IM Ruben Gideon Koellner (Germany, 2426) finished in the 6th place. Replay all games here

1st Munich Chess Open 2023 – Final standings:

Rk. NameTypsexFEDRtgIPts. TB1TB2TB3
1GMMotylev, Alexander  FID2604745562442
2GMSarana, Alexey  SRB2685744552433
3GMDemchenko, Anton  FID2623743562399
4IMFeuerstack, Aljoscha  GER2462741522392
5IMBerchtenbreiter, Maximilian  GER2483739492328
6IMKoellner, Ruben Gideon  GER2426738482378
7GMBharath, Subramaniyam HU18 IND25176.542542351
8GMDimitrov, Radoslav  BUL24886.540502331
9GMKorneev, Oleg  ESP24576.538482349
10IMFedorovsky, Michael  GER23876.536462273
11FMPeyrer, Konstantin  AUT24056.536462304
12GMShyam, Sundar M.  IND25026.536452262
13GMKjartansson, Gudmundur  ISL2402642532394
14IMHarshavardhan, G B  IND2408640512323
15FMTrost, EdvinU18 SWE2399639502357
16IMSorensen, Hampus  SWE2449639502338
17IMNitin, S.  IND2389638502314
18IMKramer, Julian  GER2487638482286
19GMDeepan, Chakkravarthy J.  IND2435637492258
20IMVogel, Roven  GER2453636462322
21FMCosta, LeonardoU18 GER2343635462190
22FMCitak, Selim  TUR2332632422158
23FMTarhan, AdarU18 TUR23175.540512323
24IMKulon, Klaudia wPOL23145.538492371
25WIMHrebenshchykova, YelyzavetaU18wUKR23355.538482260
26IMZysk, Robert  GER23915.537482267
27IMParkhov, Yair  ISR25055.537482295
28IMCeres, Dragos  MDA24005.537472234
29FMDomalchuk-Jonasson, AleksandrU18 ISL23385.537462301
30 Zajogin, Alexander  FID23865.536452172
31FMDegenhard, Simon  GER22475.536462274
32FMDauner, Benedikt  GER24005.536462248
33IMHacker, Jonas  GER24355.536452214
34IMSouhardo, BasakU18 IND24005.535462191
35 Kunal, M.  IND21065.535452290
36FMSenthil, Maran K  IND21355.535452249
37 Gramb, Marius  GER22255.535432263
38FMIpek, EgehanU18 TUR23085.534452221
39 Stoettner, Moritz  GER21265.534432217
40FMGoldbeck, Lars  GER22075.534432310
41FMHarsh, SureshU18 IND22985.533422183
42 Parvanyan, Alfred  GER21405.532422180
43FMPeycheva, Gergana wBUL22185.532402245
44CMKoellner, Aaron Noah  GER21435.529382130
45FMSaya, Ethan  FRA21815.528372062
46FMGrimm, Julius  GER2299539492328
47IMKoepke, Christian  GER2308538482303
48FMIvanov, Mike  CAN2321537472271
49FMDalaud, Dorian  FRA2292535462320
50FMJarocka, Liwia wPOL2225535452251
51 Reimann, Sebastian  GER2265534432209
52 Hinterreiter, Markus  GER2194534422251
53 Monninger, Moritz  GER2138533432163
54FMKrause, Jonah  GER2395533432220
55 Hoffmann, Sebastian  GER2151533432185
56CMTulchynskyi, FeliksU14 UKR2246533422210
57IMBracker, Frank  GER2311532422152
58 Stoettner, Lukas  GER2096530382164
59 Schleicher, Guido  GER2164528372088
60 Reis, Thomas  GER2196528362028
61WIMImnadze, Nato wGEO2266528352017
62GMJobava, Baadur  GEO25784.539502276
63FMMai, Philipp  Dr.  GER23154.538492312
64FMKazarian, Anna-Maja wNED21704.537472254
65WFMButenandt, SvenjaU18wGER21354.535462225
66 Jinan, Jomon  IND24324.535452225
67 Petersen, Marcel  GER20374.535452111
68 Fuchs, FlorianU18 GER20584.535452152
69CMDerraugh, Geordie  CAN21164.535442220
70 Perkampus, Laurin  GER21654.535432276
71CMKhandelwal, Ankush  ENG22054.534452264
72 Engesser, Jonas  GER21034.534442193
73AIMBhavik, AhujaU18 IND19924.534432238
74 Herbrig, Alexander  GER22354.533422178
75 Friedel, Marcus  GER21624.532412108
76WFMLi, Zhuoling wCHN22164.532422166
77FMSalvermoser, Bernd  AUT21334.532402187
78FMMeier, Volker  GER22344.530392072
79 Teichert, Felix  GER20084.529382154
80 Wichmann, Adrian  GER20624.529372121
81 Kudrytskyi, Stanislav  UKR20484.529382088
82 Bratu, Mircea  GER18364.529372109
83 Tunka, Philipp  GER20324.529372090
84 Kessler, Jan  GER20914.528352111
85 Boeddeker, Henry  GER20684.528352048
86FMKononenko, AlexanderS60 UKR22204.527362092
87 Werner, DenisU18 GER2076438492304
88CMKrawczyk, FlawianU18 POL1995436452187
89GMBasso, Pier Luigi  ITA2520434442216
90WGMVarshini, V wIND2122433432282
91 Rindhiya, V wIND1837433422194
92 Mota, Pankit  IND2094432412175
93 Lochte, ThomasS60 GER1994431402120
94 Kartsev, Nikolay  GER2074431402144
95 Leeb, Simon  GER2242430402172
96 Forster, Lukas  GER2049430392154
97 Heer, Stephan  SUI2047430382097
98 Stierhof, Michael  GER1974429382106
99 Shatil, ShirU18 ISR2180429372101
100 Eldho, Skaria  IND1912429362113
101 Dushatov, TimurU14 KAZ2009428362062
102 Riewe, Gerhard  GER2120428362026
103 Klenk, Robert  GER2046428362036
104WCMShatil, OrU14wISR1951426342046
105FMLoew, GeraldS60 GER2173426332038
106CMJaivardhan, RajU14 IND1901425322098
107 Fuchs, MichaelS60 GER1988425321926
108 Vincenti, LeonardoU14 ITA1996424312033
109 Ghita, Vlad-Bogdan  ROU2021423312013
110 Beckert, Alessandro  GER1877423302058
111 Hoppstaedter, DanielU18 GER2000423301985
112 Manucharyan, Andriy  GER20003.533422180
113 Player, Edmund C  ENG22043.532392102
114 Schwan, AaronU18 GER18003.531392081
115 Huber, BenediktU14 GER18793.531382138
116 Mashchenko, TamilaU18wUKR18633.530402108
117 Czap, Bernard  GER20483.529372087
118 Parsch, Christian  GER19183.529372071
119 Weiss, Thomas  GER20403.528372037
120 Koukas, Anastasios  GRE20033.527352064
121 Wehr, Stephan  GER03.526341914
122IMGedajlovic, Max  CAN2436335452202
123GMChatalbashev, Boris  DEN2506334432232
124IMParvanyan, Ashot  GER2431333422187
125FMWahedi, Ahmad Siar  GER2274331392213
126 Beck, Felix  GER0330382109
127FMLorscheid, GerhardS60 GER2114329372138
128 Knoblauch, Leonhard  GER2134328372121
129 Jacob, Tobias  GER2015328362049
130 Debertshaeuser, JoernS60 GER2029328362084
131 Oest, ThorstenS60 GER1983328352086
132 Brychcy, Felix  GER2064327362041
133 Lohvinov, PetroU18 UKR2302327351996
134 Aumueller, NaumU18 GER1799325322006
135 Steinhauer, Artur  GER1965325312044
136 Schnabel, Bennett  GER2063324331973
137FMMiller, Eduard  GER23332.531402159
138 Ritzka, Simon  GER20522.531382149
139 Tsakona, MariaU18wGRE20332.530392127
140 Eichler, Alexander  GER18342.528362048
141 Humbert, ArthurU18 GER18352.528352098
142 Apaar, SaxenaU14 IND20122.527341927
143 Braun, Michael  GER21022.526352045
144 Guggenberger, Guido  GER19102.526352016
145 Mazatis, Benjamin  GER17382.524312025
146 Basener, WinfriedS60 GER1998230382186
147 Kampert, AndreasS60 GER2014229362127
148 Lerchl, ClemensU18 GER1950228352074
149CMMatthes, Aaron  GER2241226352049
150WFMGrapsa, Georgia wGRE1994226321996
151 Gradwohl, ManfredS60 GER1857225342040
152 Sakkal, CherinS60 GER2018225331975
153 Wehrle, MaximilianU18 GER1806224301996
154 Heppert, Lars  GER1891224311886
155 Biedenkopf, Philipp  GER1939224302025
156 Acarbay, Algi wTUR19621.521281997
157 Jakob, Matthias  GER1994129372165
158 Vollnhals, Michael  GER0127341883
159 Demir, Bilal  TUR1958126322051
160WFMMayrhuber, Nikola wAUT2094125342227
161 Lever, Erwan  FRA2289124312036
162 Ruecker, Benjamin  GER21790.524311836

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