World No1 GM Magnus Carlsen married Ella Victoria Malone today in Oslo!
The marriage announcement was revealed to media just two days ago, and the wedding ceremony was made small and private. Cruel Norwegian winter weather and the temperature of -7 Celsius degrees did not ruin the fairy-tale environment or affect the presence of a beautiful bride who wore princess-style wedding dress without a coat or a jacket!

The wedding ceremony took place at the Holmenkollen Chapel, and the party continues in the Grand Hotel as reports. Carlsen’s best men were FM Johannes Kvisla and his friend Askild Bryn.
Magnus Carlsen kept his relationship private for a long time, and showed up with eight years younger Ella Victoria Malone in public last February in Germany, during the Freestyle Chess G.O.A.T. Challenge. 26-year-old Ella Victoria Malone, who is not a chess player herself, accompanied Magnus at various chess events afterwards, revealing that she feels very nervous when he’s playing. “When he makes a mistake, I start freaking out. Iย want him to win and be happy. It kills me to see him lose, but luckily that’s a rare occurrence“, said Ella in the interview for ChessBase India.