The 124th Annual U.S. Open Chess Championship took place from 27th July to 4th August at the Sheraton Norfolk Waterside Hotel in Norfolk, Virginia.
The US Open is one massive 9-round Swiss section, open to all players regardless of rating. This event is not FIDE rated. The US Open Champion qualifies for the US Closed Chess Championship.
The tournament gathered 395 participants. Grandmasters Semen Khanin and Zhou Jianchao shared the first place with 8/9 points each. Armageddon playoff was needed to break the tie. Khanin played with white pieces, with extra time but against the draw odds. He won the game on demand and was declared the U.S. Open Champion. Both players were awarded with $8,000 though.
The two winners were ineligible to qualify for the 2024 U.S. Chess Championship as both are members of foreign federations. American Grandmasters Mikhail Antipov, Awonder Liang and Varuzhan Akobian shared the third place with 7.5/9 points each, so another Armageddon was called for.
Akobian drew the short straw and was eliminated from the Armageddon playoff. Antipov took the white pieces, but Liang won with black and qualified for the national Championship.

US Open final standings:
1-2 GM Khanin Semen RUS 2658 and GM Zhou Jianchao CHN 2663 – 8.0
3-5 GM Antipov Mikhail MO 2685, GM Liang Awonder WI 2732 and GM Akobian Varuzhan MO 2618 – 7.5
6-15 GM Corrales Jimenez Fidel NY 2625, GM Chandra Akshat MO 2557, GM Molner Mackenzie S NJ 2553, CM Brady Tyson VA 2272, WIM Utiatskaja Irina MO 2204, CM Kaplan Avi Harrison IL 2319, FM Dehmelt Karl PA 2200, Girsh Daniel PA 2341, Jing Andrew DE 2192 and FM Johnson Donald NC 2270 – 7.0
16-32 FM Adewumi Tanitoluwa NY 2448, GM Zapata Alonso COL 2394, WIM Tang Zoey OR 2337, Denby Caleb Sean MO 2232, Dasari Saathvik TX 2024, Tkachenko Erik 2120, Prem Pranav S VA 2208, Glashausser Sho KS 2204, Kalpaka Vaibhav IND 2252, Tay Brian VA 2210, CM Willy Stephen WA 2183, Snodgrass Benjamin NC 2070, Shafer Logan C TX 2117, CM Wan Joseph Cheng-Yue IA 2314, Moor Nathaniel Philip CT 2278, Kelley Deshawn L OH 2189 and Moorhouse Will VA 2148 – 6.5 etc