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Home ยป Jonas Buhl Bjerre clinches the 56th Capablanca Memorial

Jonas Buhl Bjerre clinches the 56th Capablanca Memorial

by L'immortale

The 56th edition of the Capablanca Memorial took place from 2-12 May in Havana, Cuba. The festival featured Elite, Open, Senior, U16 and U12 events with all eyes on the 10-player round-robin Elite tournament.

GM Jonas Buhl Bjerre convincingly clinched the title in the Elite group, scoring unbeaten 7/9 points. GM Alexandr Fier followed with 6.5 points, while domestic GM Luis Ernesto Quesada Perez claimed bronze with 5.5 points. Replay all games here

GM Jonas Buhl Bjerre (Denmark); Photo from:

56th Capablanca Memorial Elite final results:

Rk. NameFEDRtgPts. 
1GMBjerre, Jonas BuhlDEN26027
2GMFier, AlexandrBRA25896.5
3GMQuesada Perez, Luis ErnestoCUB25595.5
4GMSvane, RasmusGER26234.5
5GMIturrizaga Bonelli, EduardoESP26374.5
 GMSadhwani, RaunakIND26274.5
7GMAlbornoz Cabrera, Carlos DanielCUB25864.5
8GMAlmeida Quintana, OmarCUB25283
9GMMartinez Duany, Lelys StanleyCUB25212.5
10GMMiranda Mesa, ElierCUB25162.5

IM Michel Alejandro Diaz Perez, GM Ermes Espinosa Veloz and GM Bator Sambuev tied for the top of the Open tournament scoring 8 points, each. The tiebreak criteria favored Diaz Perez who was crowned Winner of the tournament, Espinosa Veloz came second and Sambuev finished the event third.

56th Capablanca Memorial Open – final results:

Rk. NameFEDRtgPts. TB1TB2TB3
1IMDiaz Perez, Michel AlejandroCUB2414824585863
2GMEspinosa Veloz, ErmesCUB2477824226166
3GMSambuev, BatorCAN2431823986065
4IMVitier Vazquez, CristianCUB23947.523846064
5GMCuenca Jimenez, Jose FernandoESP2535724266369
6IMJimenez Garcia, EmmanuelCRC2410724255661
7GMBerdayes Ason, Dylan IsidroCUB2503723886062
8IMLopez Gonzalez, Abel FabianCUB2397723805863
9FMElias Reyes, Jorge RobertoCUB2436723645762
10IMDuran Vega, SergioCRC2379723465358
11GMVazquez Igarza, RenierESP2533723435151
12GMQuintiliano Pinto, Renato R.BRA2513723395965
13GMVasquez Schroeder, RodrigoCHI2524723335560
14GMAvila Pavas, SantiagoCOL25226.523796266
15 Palma Villanueva, Miguel TaMEX21926.523415357
16IMDiaz Murgada, RiderCUB24356.523345660
17FMGonzalez Soler, Leduard ManuelCUB23336.522845356
18FMHidalgo Diaz, DanielCUB23646.522835155
19FMPerez Rodriguez, Cesar AlejandroCUB22906.522725054
20 Silveira Garcia, YosdanCUB22066.522264445
21GMGomez Garrido, Camilo ErnestoCUB2477624106165
22GMBorges Matos, JuanCUB2401623795357
23FMCampos Gomez, ManuelCOL2291623465454
24IMValdes Romero, LeonardoCRC2398623215256
25GMLarino Nieto, DavidESP2379623025156
26FMMateus, AlejandroCOL2328623005155
27FMZacarias, M Ruben DPAR2244622985155
28IMOtero Acosta, DiasmanyCUB2382622764953
29FMYanes Canizares, AlejandroCUB2409622715155
30IMGomez Sanchez, Jorge MarcosCUB2312622645457
31FMLopez Rayo, SantiagoCOL2311622475154
32FMFernandez Mayola, Reynold RafaelCUB2325622385155
33FMAlvarez Calzadilla, Jose AvelinoCUB2386622384650
34IMAraujo Sanchez, JosueDOM2303622275053
35IMLeon Valdes, Jony WilsonCUB2323622134953
36FMRuiz Buendia, MiguelESP2170621874649
37FMHerrera, Juan SebastianCOL2298621764852
38FMCazulo Ramirez, Jesus DavidCUB2209620894245
39GMGalego, LuisPOR24805.523545151
40 Paredes Lagos, Anthony JavierPER23505.523405558
41GMAguero Jimenez, Luis LazaroCUB24475.523265256
42FMPerez Marimon, Jorge De JesusCUB22335.523175457
43FMRamos Silvera, Roberto AlejandroCUB23445.523005256
44 Otero Marino, AlainCUB22685.522825155
45FMRodriguez Basulto, Reyson RicardoCUB22985.522795255
46FMRodriguez Hernandez, Luis DanielCUB24005.522755256
47FMMendez Ramirez, VictorDOM22025.522554951
48FMVargas Rodriguez, WilverCUB23325.522545155
49FMPulido Alvarez, ArielCUB22485.522395054
50FMDieguez Alvarez, Mario EnriqueCUB23535.522385358
51FMPerez Perez, OsnielCUB21395.522194548
52IMEstrada Nieto, JulianESP22155.522114749
53FMArvelo Leo, Gian CarloDOM21355.521994649
54 Morales Marmol, Marcos AntonioCUB22565.521584852
55 Gonzalez Mompie, ReynierCUB20975.521024144
56 Guevara Fernandez, LivanCUB2041523424848
57 Abrahams, DanielCAN2082523024852
58FMGarcia Fuentes, Sergio MiguelGUA2108522814952
59GMOrtiz Suarez, Isan ReynaldoCUB2512522774850
60 Fuentes De Feria, Hector LuisCUB2094522654850
61FMLatorre, MatiasPAR2280522625054
62FMJohnson, JoshuaTTO2249522595255
63IMDel Rey, DiegoESP2342522494751
64 Torres Ymas, DiegoCUB2105522464852
65 Azahares Serrano, Raymond DanielCUB2029522464546
66 Lavigne Lopez, Raul LeonardoCUB2133522414649
67 Morales Mora, Kendry DanielCUB2030522234447
68 Martinez Ruz, Carlos JulioCUB2078522204953
69FMJimenez Jimenez, LeandroDOM2146522194751
70FMMendez Fortes, Eduardo JesusCUB2250522064952
71 Hernandez Izquierdo, Jose A.CUB2079521904650
72FMGil Alba, Hector LuisCUB2309521714952
73IMGarcia Carey, OsmelCUB2302521704548
74 Tamames Soria, Cesar ManuelCUB2147521564650
75 Mora Munoz, AlejandroCOL2054521554446
76FMLarduet Despaigne, CarlosCUB2255521324750
77FMFuentes Dominguez, FelixCUB2263521274649
78FMSaiz Rodriguez, Daniel EvelioCUB2208521174548
79 Bolanos Lopez, Juan JacoboCOL1806521043838
80 Morales Garcia, AlexeiCUB2170521034345
81 Verdecia Martinez, YulbertCUB2135520774448
82FMMorales Romero, RomarisCUB2193520584447
83FMBatista Suarez, Jeorling YahytinCUB2259519814043
84 Becquer Valdes, AlainCUB21484.522324648
85IMMorales Romero, PedroCUB23384.521314447
86FMLa Villa Rivas, Marlon JavierCUB22464.521294347
87 Tenst Noa, YudisneyCUB20754.521244650
88 Molina Suarez, Adrian De JesusCUB20234.521194141
89 Hernandez Jimenez, XaviCOL17734.521114043
90 Franco Rogel, Carlos JesusMEX18834.520893739
91FMCharon Mustelier, ManuelCUB21844.520784245
92FMOrdunez Echarte, DennysCUB22214.520674245
93 Rodriguez Naranjo, YoilantCUB16214.520343333
94CMMendez Machado, AndrePAN1979422304750
95 Interian Rodriguez, Alberto D.CUB2039422284445
96 Rodriguez Gomez, DarioCUB1934422264751
97 Gonzalez Velasco, LeandroCOL2037422234750
98FMPerera Alfonso, Rene HumbertoCUB2320422124851
99WCMLopez Rayo, IsabellaCOL1966422124649
100 Encinas Varela, DavidMEX1940422024750
101 Espinosa Forti, Edrwis AnthuanCUB2055421694750
102 Castro Castro, JoaquinCOL1827421534447
103FMGarcia Martinez, OmarCUB2270421284346
104 Fernandez Lopez, Francisco J.ESP1882421103939
105WFMMogollon Tobar, Nicolle JuliethCOL1916420934346
106 Gallestey Calvo, ArielCUB2132420904345
107 Zaragoza Alanis, Miguel ArnulfoMEX1751420884347
108FMSolares Orozco, KebertCUB2338420804448
109 Lopez, Ricardo AndresCOL1648420604144
110 Lopez Suarez, Manuel AlejandroCUB2037420364547
111 Torres Ymas, AlejandraCUB1715420263740
112 Simon Batista, Lorenzo AlexisCUB1893420164345
113 Rodriguez Bittar, Karim JavierESP1911420134245
114FMAlvarez Fernandez, Carlos ReneCUB22733.523264951
115 Morales Lezcano, DarielCUB20953.521134649
116 Romero Fernandez, AlejandroCUB18853.520963840
117 Schuettler, ThomasGER18573.520544042
118 Bueno Gauna, Cristian AlejandroCUB21163.520124548
119 Borges Rodriguez, JavierCUB19693.520093840
120 Padilla Garcia, Cecilia XasiveMEX17973.519743940
121 Diez Pulido, RafaelCUB18193.519644041
122 Palsson, Halldor PeterCAN17833.519553639
123 Del Rosario Silva, DexnisiCUB19303.519444043
124WFMMartinez Mesa, ChaneliCUB18833.519363739
125 Palencia Alvarado, Julio RobertoGUA17543.518873435
126 Acosta Angulo, Mariana ValentinaCOL15523.518573537
127 Silva Ponte, LeonardoCUB17813.518333334
128 Manso Lopez, RosangelaCUB1903322525054
129 Galan Palacio, Anjaly DanielaCUB1800320694244
130 Marcos Herrero, FranciscoESP1795320063940
131 Martin Rodriguez, Jose CarlosESP1727317463435
132FMPortal Ramos, CristhianCUB21612.521014448
133 Reinhard Pinto, DietmarGUA16602.519023536
134 Felizes, PauloPOR19092.518523940
135 Venero Noda, MassielCUB1864220514244
136 Alvarado Guzman, AlbertoCRC0218833637
137 Rendon, IsabelaCOL12811.518363334
138 Sequeira Morales, AbrahamCRC1011116543133
139AFMGomez Arnau, ReinerioCUB2155024804650
140FMArias Gaviria, Mario AlexisPER2351020324549
141FMRodriguez Rodriguez, DanielCUB2197004752
142 Hurtado Oldridge, FelipeESP1885004651
143FMVega Chirino, LemayCUB2260004550

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