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Home ยป GM Narayanan S L convincing at the Groningen Chess Open 2024

GM Narayanan S L convincing at the Groningen Chess Open 2024

by L'immortale

The Groningen Chess Open 2024 was played from 21st to 30th December in Groningen, a city in the northern Netherlands. The event was played in 9 rounds, swiss system, with the prize pool exceeding 8.000 eur.

In a competition of 65 players coming from 13 countries, the top seeded GM Narayanan S L (India, 2647) emerged as the sole Winner of the event with the score of 7/9 points and claimed the top prize of 2.500 euros. Narayanan went unbeaten in the tournament, and had a half a point edge over four players who tied for second place: GM Thomas Beerdsen (Netherlands, 2502), IM Nick Maatman (Netherlands, 2375), IM Anto Cristiano Manish (India, 2296) and IM Theo Stijve (Switzerland, 2396).

GM Narayanan S L won the event with 7/9 points

WIM Machteld Van Foreest (Netherlands, 2309) was the best-ranked women in the field with the score of 6 points. 17-year-old Dutch rising star had a great event which finished with a brilliant victory over GM Valery Kazakouski (Lithuania, 2567). With a fantastic TPR of 2493, Machteld earned her first IM norm. WGM Kateryna Dolzhykova (Germany, 2322) was the second-ranked women in the tournament with the score of 4.5 points.

WIM Machteld Van Foreest (right) claimed her first IM norm at the event

Official website
Photos by Harry Gielen

Final standings – Groningen Chess Open 2024:

Rk. NamesexFEDRtgPts. 
1GMNarayanan, S L IND26477
2GMBeerdsen, Thomas NED25026.5
3IMMaatman, Nick NED23756.5
4IMManish, Anto Cristiano F IND22966.5
5IMStijve, Theo SUI23966.5
6IMDe Winter, Arthur NED24466
7WIMVan Foreest, MachteldwNED23096
8IMMitusov, Semen NOR24656
9IMPham, Khoi NED22855.5
10GMPoetsch, Hagen GER24915.5
11FMElgersma, Onno NED23225.5
12GMSchoppen, Casper NED25395.5
13FMKollen, Zyon NED23445.5
14FMKoster, Ramon NED23305.5
15 Labruyere, Roger NED23445.5
16FMSmeets, Kobe NED23495.5
17IMDe Jong, Migchiel NED22755.5
18FMAlbers, Sasa NED22685
19 Vijayakumar, Rishi SCO22045
20 Cernov, Henrik GER21875
21GMKazakouski, Valery LTU25675
22FMWeber, Samuel GER22635
23 Madularea, David NED22455
24FMRitzerveld, Noah NED21825
25FMSlagboom, Leandro NED23705
26FMSchoorl, Rob NED22955
27FMVan Der Hagen, Loek NED23155
28GMLaxman, R.R. IND23104.5
29FMPalchuk, Andrii UKR23724.5
30 Kazarjan, Gachatur NED20674.5
31WGMDolzhykova, KaterynawGER23224.5
32IMDe Boer, Eelke NED24264.5
33 Mareau, Timothe FRA21684.5
34IMSharma, Dinesh K. IND22004.5
35CMDe Boer, Bas NED21574.5
36 Bakija, Alan NED22334.5
37 Okuno, Rion JPN20274
  Ten Dam, Bram NED20024
39 Khoo-Thwe, Louis NOR21244
40 Kanis, Sierk NED21164
41FMDuijker, Rick NED21464
42 Van Rootselaar, Rik NED22654
43FMVan Roon, Sjoerd NED22854
44 Boeren, Jurriaan NED21474
45 Grooten, Tommy NED21533.5
46 Noordenbos, Daan NED21303.5
47 Keuning, Selwin NED21803.5
48 Zecha, Oscar NED21343.5
49 Ivanov, Dmytro BEL22883.5
50IMGrooten, Herman NED21833.5
51 Avetisyan, AniwARM20593.5
52 Duson, RobinwNED21593.5
53 Spit, Vincent NED21133.5
54 Schilstra, Laurens NED21503.5
55 Mohammed, Dilshad IND20783
56FMRatsma, Midas NED23263
57 Van Helvoort, Rob NED21353
58FMWempe, Joost NED22332.5
59 Nicolai, Amir NED21562.5
60 Ponnio, Toni FIN21112.5
61 Groenewoud, Joel NED20582.5
62 Wouters, Casper NED21102.5
63FMMostertman, Milan NED22442
64 Hummel, Paul NED21602
65 Jakhari, Ansh NED21260.5

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