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Home ยป GM Amin Bassem victorious at the Rilton Chess Cup 2024/2025

GM Amin Bassem victorious at the Rilton Chess Cup 2024/2025

by L'immortale

The 52nd edition of the Rilton Chess Cup took place from 27 December to 5 January in Stockholm, Sweden. The event featured three different competitions: Rilton Chess Cup, Rilton U2200, and Rilton U1800 with a variety of side events.

The top seeded GM Amin Bassem (Egypt, 2652) lived up to the expectations and emerged as the sole Winner of the event with the score of 7.5 points. Heading into the final round, Egyptian grandmaster had a full point lead over the runner ups and needed only a draw to secure gold. Having black pieces against 16-year-old IM Leonardo Costa (Germany, 2498), Bassem Amin had issues to hold to a draw, but luckily saved a losing position to clinch gold and win the top prize of 22.000 SEK (~1.900 euros).

GM Bassem Amin sealed a victory at the 2024/2025 Rilton Chess Cup after dramatical final round

GM Bartlomiej Heberla (Poland, 2503) and 17-year-old IM Edvin Trost (Sweden, 2443) were victorious in the final round, finishing the event in a tie for second place with the score of 7 points each. Barlomiej Heberla had better tiebreaks to take second place, and Swedish youngster Edvin Trost came third.

Rilton Chess Cup 2024/2025 – playing venue

The best-ranked female player in the event was 19-year-old WGM Rakshitta Ravi (India, 2287) with 5.5 points and great performance of 2465. Rakhitta Ravi earned her 5th IM norm, and earned 45 ELO points which brings her closer to reaching rating of 2400 and fulfilling another requirement to become an International master. IM Soumya Swaminathan (India, 2243) was second-ranked women in the field with 5 points, and WGM Shri Savitha Baskar (India, 2329) was third with 4.5 points.

WGM Rakshitta Ravi (right) was the best-ranked woman in the tournament

104th-seeded in the Rilton U2200 competition Yiheng Tang (Singapore, 1778) made a huge upset winning the U2200 tournament and clinching the top prize of 7.000 SEK (~600 euros). Yiheng Tang scored 7.5 points and went unbeaten in the tournament, performing with 2330 TPR. CM Lars Vistisen (Denmark, 2089) and Matija Sakic (Sweden, 1960) had the same score of 7.5 points, but Yiheng Tang had the best tiebreaks to emerge first.

104th-seeded Yiheng Tang wins Rilton U2200

Alexander Eriksson (Sweden, 1781) emerged as the sole Winner of the Rilton U1800 tournament, scoring 6 points. As many as six players tied for second place with the score of 5.5 points each, but Thomas Nissen Hellerud (Norway,1781) had the best tiebreak criteria to finish second, and Herman Vallente (Norway) came third.

Alexander Eriksson wins Rilton U1800

Photos, all results and detailed information on the official website.

Final rankings – Rilton Chess Cup 2024/2025:

Rk. NameTypsexFEDRtgIPts. 
1GMAMIN, Bassem  EGY26527.5
2GMHEBERLA, Bartlomiej  POL25037
3IMTROST, EdvinU18 SWE24437
4IMCOSTA, LeonardoU18 GER24986.5
5GMLIVAIC, Leon  CRO25606.5
6IMA R, IlamparthiU16 IND24616.5
7FMBILOVIL, BogdanU20 UKR24526.5
8IMSEEMANN, JakubU18 POL24876
9GMKANTANS, Toms  LAT24956
10FMKHRIPACHENKO, AlexanderU18 FID24006
12FMMATTENBERGER, MatthiasU18 SUI22676
13IMร‡ELIK, Hasan HuseyinU18 TUR24326
16IMSCHMIDER, Niklas  GER23936
17GMร…KESSON, RalfS60 SWE23366
18IMPANTZAR, Milton  SWE24496
19IMIPPOLITO, Dean  USA23436
20GMKULAOTS, Kaido  EST25215.5
21WGMRAVI, RakshittaU20wIND22875.5
22FMWONG ZHENYONG, JaydenU20 SGP24065.5
23IMSORENSEN, Hampus  SWE24155.5
24GMPETURSSON, MargeirS60 ISL24095.5
25IMOLSSON, WilliamU20 SWE23695.5
26IMTARHAN, AdarU18 TUR24835.5
27 GKAVARDINAS, AntoniosU16 GRE22085.5
28FMRUIZ BUENDIA, MiguelU20 ESP23175.5
29FMCIESLAK, PatrykU16 POL23915
31FMSARI, Yasin  TUR23435
32IMBAENZIGER, Fabian  SUI24305
33FMKUSH, BhagatU16 IND22885
34FMRASTI, ArvinU20 SWE21825
35FMCHAN, Kim Yew  MAS22745
36FMFECKER, Noah  SUI23455
37FMKEJNA, PiotrU18 POL22495
38IMRACZEK, KrzysztofU18 POL24435
39FMBATSUKH, AnandU18 MGL22905
40IMJOHANSSON, Linus  SWE24125
41FMDOTZER, LukasU16 AUT24255
42FMFIEDOREK, Michaล‚  POL23015
43FMBAGWE, GaurangU18 IND23025
44FMSINZ, Bernhard  GER23085
46FMDIAZ ROSAS, Julio Cesar  MEX24015
48FMOTSUKA, Shou  JPN22354.5
49WGMBASKAR, Savitha Shri BU18wIND23294.5
50IMDEL REY, Diego  ESP22764.5
51FMHAITIN, Ilja  EST22484.5
52FMร–STLUND, JoarU20 SWE23394.5
53CMMYAGMARSUREN, EvsuldU16 NOR22294.5
54IMLINDBERG, BengtS60 SWE23404.5
55GMORATOVSKY, Michael  ISR24224.5
56IMDURAK, CanU18 TUR24464.5
57FMGOMEZ AGUIRRE, Juan AlbertoU18 ESP23434.5
58 GOLECKI, Jan  POL22564.5
59CMFISKAAEN, Martin HoltenU18 NOR23114.5
60FMLร–GDAHL, Harald  SWE23004.5
61 LISKIEWICZ, JakubU16 POL21044.5
62IMALTINI, Nicola  ITA23664.5
63GMROMANISHIN, Oleg MS60 UKR22934.5
64 Mร…RDELL, Jimmy  SWE22114.5
65FMBOTTAZZI, UlysseU20 FRA23394.5
66CMOKTEM, Ege TunaU16 TUR20674.5
67IMHEDMAN, Erik  SWE22694
68FMARNOLD, RhysU16 NED23004
69FMNAGARKATTE, VedantU20 IND22284
70WIMKAZARIAN, Anna-Maja wNED22064
71FMKENNESKOG, Karl Anton Theodor  SWE22664
72 NILSSON, OliverU20 SWE20844
73NMGALLAGHER, Daniel  ENG22034
74FMHOLLAN, Martin  CZE23384
76 KIENBร–CK, BenjaminU20 AUT22384
  FRANCS, MaratsU18 LAT21944
78IMDOCX, Stefan  BEL24294
79CMADAMOVICS, AleksejsU18 LAT21764
81 SEO, Jung HyunU20 SWE21304
82 DINGERTZ, ErikU20 SWE20954
84CMNERURKAR, Aansh NandanU14 IND22163.5
85IMKRISHNA, G.V. Sai  CAN24093.5
86CMLINDBERG, Theodor  SWE22143.5
87FMPIPIRAS, Filipa FortunaU20wPOR21783.5
88 KINGSLEY, EliasU16 SWE20903.5
89IMEGGLESTON, David  ENG23453.5
90FMLUUKKONEN, Tommi  FIN23113.5
91WIMDJUKIC, Sandra wSRB20803.5
92 KLIASHTORNYI, ArkadiiU16 UKR21323.5
93WIMKANTANE, Anna wPOL22483.5
94 LJUNG, HaraldU20 SWE21733.5
96 SEIGER, VidarU16 SWE21643
97GMBELLON LOPEZ, Juan ManuelS60 SWE22813
98 RELIGA, MarekU18 SWE22483
99 ARSENIE, Cristian MarcU16 SUI21943
100 TRIPATHI, PratyushU16 SWE19993
101CMMATSUMURA, CocoroU18 JPN20363
102IMSAMEER, Loay  JOR22033
103FMACIKEL, Mert  GER22213
104 SCHMITT, Daniel  GER21533
105CMFRANK, AntonU20 SWE20523
106WIMGOOSSENS, Hanne wBEL21423
107 RAL LUSTIG, MelvinU14 SWE21502.5
108 KUKUSHKIN, IvanU12 LAT21652.5
109WFMHERTLEIN, IrenaU20wPOL19822.5
110 VALCU, LaviniaU16wSWE22732
111WFMKUZNECOVA, MarijaU16wLAT21372
112CMARAVINDHAN, AchyuthU14 NED21182
113FMFERRO, Mario  ITA22192
114WIMPUJARI, Rucha wIND21601
115FMPANG, EthanU10 ENG23000.5

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