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Home ยป WIM Maria Jose Campos wins 5th International Chess Open Dama Negra

WIM Maria Jose Campos wins 5th International Chess Open Dama Negra

by L'immortale

The 5th International Chess Open Dama Negra took place from 26-30 December in Alicante, Spain. The event was played in 9 rounds, swiss system, with the classical time control and 87 participants from 17 countries.

WIM Maria Jose Campos (Argentina, 2272) emerged victorious in the tournament after tying for the first place with FM Pablo Lopez Varela (Spain, 2343) who had the same score of 7.5 points.

It was the final-round encounter for the top between Maria Jose Campos and Pablos Lopez Varela, and the game finished in a draw, leaving tiebreaks to determine the winner of the event. Having better tiebreak criteria, Maria Jose Campos clinched gold, while Pablo Lopez Varela came second.

IM Arturo Vidarte Morales (Peru, 2174) was third with 7 points, thanks to better tiebreaks than Carlos Robledo Sanchez (Spain, 2115) who had the same score but finished fourth.

Photo by Patricia Claros Aguilar

Final standings – 5th International Chess Open Dama Negra:

Rk. NameTypsexFEDRtgIPts. 
1WIMCampos, Maria Jose wARG22727.5
2FMLopez Varela, Pablo  ESP23437.5
3IMVidarte Morales, ArturoS50 PER21747
4 Robledo Sanchez, Carlos  ESP21157
5IMGranero Roca, Antonio  ESP22906.5
6 Martinez Rodriguez, Francisco SalvadorU16 ESP20926.5
7AGMMartinez Cardenas, Sebastian Horacio  VEN20416
8 D, Souza Kevin  IND17146
9 Lopez Garcia, Miguel AngelU16 MEX21276
10 Segarra Victorio, IsraelU14 ESP19716
11 Martin Andres, Carlos  ESP20066
12FMGarcia Gimenez, Santiago  ESP21866
13 Lopez Diaz, PabloU16 ESP19656
  Odriozola Coscolin, DaniU14 ESP19586
15 Lopez Martinez, JaimeU14 ESP20525.5
16 Vilarino Lorenzo, UxioU14 ESP20335.5
17 Fuxz, Diego  ARG18705.5
18FMLacrosse, MarcS65 BEL20765.5
19 Yeste Piqueras, MarcosU18 ESP20255.5
20 Amoros Moran, Jose JoaquinS50 ESP19025.5
21 Garcia Sanchez, Miguel AngelU16 ESP18935.5
22 Martinez Silva, GabrielU16 ESP18005.5
23AIMGolatkar, Aditya  IND17605.5
24 Garrido Silos, PabloU18 ESP18155.5
25 Barreiro Rebolo, LuisU14 ESP18585.5
26 Planelles Ortega, EmilioS65 ESP17705
27 Fonteboa Lopez, SamuelU16 ESP18785
28 Seleznev, Egor  FID18945
29 Sargsyan, Taron  ARM18015
30 Serna Puerto, LorenzoU12 ESP18545
31 Hade, ShantanuU18 IND18195
32 Rangelov Mihailov, GeorgiS65 ESP18735
33 Roldan Gutierrez, RoqueS65 ESP17945
34 Chen, Kaineng  CHN05
35 Vega Varela, MarcosU16 ESP16305
36 Iglesias Flores, MarcosU12 ESP17664.5
37 Mascarell Canet, RicardoS50 ESP19054.5
38 Parreno Banuls, RaulU18 ESP18084.5
39 Ezcurra Garzo, AdrianU10 ESP19164.5
40 Hidalgo Mena, ManelS50 ESP16164.5
41 Sjoblom, StefanS50 SWE16474.5
42 Gil Garcia, EmanuelU16 ESP15724.5
43 Doman, RichardS50 ENG04.5
44 Espla Sanchez, Manuel JesusU16 ESP16304.5
45 Chen, Kaipeng  CHN04.5
46 Alfonso Grandas, MarcosU18 ESP15064.5
47 Lopez Rodriguez, David IU16 ESP15544.5
48ACMCorpa Rios, Flavio  ESP16584.5
49 Aracil Martinez, Arnau  ESP17504
50 Pheasant, Andrew J  USA18344
51 Fuentes Serrano, IkerU16 ESP17224
52 Parypa, Vsevolod  UKR16324
53 Brufal Gracia, CarlosU16 ESP16174
54 Fedorov Kozlov, AndreiU10 ESP15244
55 Ortega Moya, Juan FranciscoS65 ESP15274
56ACMKrass, MaximilianU12 ESP15854
57 Castro Exposito, Sergio  ESP14554
58 Santos Anton, Armando  ESP16034
59 Maseda Iglesias, MauroU12 ESP15274
60 Cela Lopez, JacoboU16 ESP15793.5
61 Vilarino Lorenzo, AntonU18 ESP17103.5
62 Nersesyan, David  ESP16833.5
63 Martinez Egea, GabrielS50 ESP14903.5
64 Mabras Lloret, MonserratS50wESP15583.5
65 Soghoyan, NarekU12 ESP14543.5
66 Del Valle Domenech, TrinidadS50wESP15213.5
67 Meilan Nunez, IagoU16 ESP15033.5
68 Grau Sansaloni, FranciscoS65 ESP17383.5
69 Rouco Rubin, VictorU12 ESP14713
70 Sal Y Rosas Solis, AlvaroU12 ESP14183
71 San Narciso Alvarez, DanielU12 ESP16283
72 Wang, NingnanU10 SGP15273
73 Hordiienko, MarkU08 ESP03
74 Costa Correas, FranciscoS65 ESP16802.5
75 Pico Carbonell, JuanS65 ESP15182.5
76 Millan Ibanez, Cesar JesusS65 ESP15122.5
77 Abrashkin, StefanU08 ESP02.5
78 Vilas Perez, Jorge MiguelU14 ESP14252.5
79 Garcia Llamas, Jose EnriqueS65 ESP14922.5
80 Munoz Martinez, FranciscoS65 ESP14652.5
81 Vila Fernandez, SamuelU12 ESP02.5
82 Banuls Sanchez, IsabelS50wESP02.5
  Idrovo Real, Rafael IzanU08 ESP02.5
84 Cascales Fulgencio, David  ESP15382
85 Garijo Perez, HugoU18 ESP21370
86 Perogio, LorenzoS50 ITA19220
  Zhang, OnnoU12 GER18640

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