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WGM Maili-Jade Ouellet and IM Shiyam Thavandiran qualify for World Chess Cup

by doubleattack

WGM Maili-Jade Ouellet and IM Shiyam Thavandiran are qualified to compete in the next FIDE World Chess Cup 2025 after winning their respective section in the Canadian Zonal Chess Championships 2024. The two Canadian champions are also accordingly selected to represent Canada in the 2024 Chess Olympiad in Budapest.

The Canadian Zonal Chess Championship 2024 had 64 participants and was played over 10 rounds of Swiss system. There were 2 GMs and 14 IMs in the field. IM Shiyam Thavandiran crushed the opposition to emerge convincing winner with 9/10 points, leaving the nearest followers full two points behind.

Photo by Deepanshi Matai

The Canadian Women’s Zonal Chess Championship 2024 with 49 players was much more closely contested. WGM Maili-Jade Ouellet, WIM Svitlana Demchenko and WIM Li Yunshan shared the first place with 7,5/9 points each, far ahead the rest of the field. Maili-Jade Ouellet prevailed on tiebreak to claim the top place in the section. Final rankings of both events can be found at the bottom of the article

Photo by Deepanshi Matai

Among the parallel events, Canadian Championship Festival – Premier was played over 7 rounds with 53 participants. Ukrainian Vadim Razin took a clear first place with 6/7 points.

The Canadian Championship Festival – U1800 was a 7-round event with 66 players. Haneul Park (South Korea) and Sarthak Deshpande (Canada) shared the first place with 6/7 points each.

The Canadian Championship Festival – U1400 gathered 26 participants. Jayden Henry Tan was the convincing winner with 6,5/7 points.

The Festival was organized by the Hart House Chess Club from Toronto. Tournament director was Victor Zheng and Chief Arbiter was Omar Shah.

Final standings – Canadian Zonal Chess Championships 2024:

Rk. NameFEDRtgPts. 
1IMThavandiran, ShiyamCAN23479
2FMAtanasov, AnthonyCAN24077
3IMRodrigue-Lemieux, ShawnCAN25067
4IMPanjwani, RajaCAN24687
5GMPreotu, RazvanCAN24677
6IMSai, Krishna G VCAN24046.5
7 Noritsyn, SergeyCAN21916.5
8 Dorrance, AdamCAN22766.5
9FMIvanov, MikeCAN23746.5
10GMSambuev, BatorCAN24626
11IMNoritsyn, NikolayCAN24516
12FMDukic, ZacharyCAN22666
13IMPlotkin, MarkCAN23446
14FMDoknjas, JohnCAN21906
15CMSaha, AnandaCAN20226
16 Zhang, SamuelCAN20856
17IMVettese, NicholasCAN22065.5
18FMRusonik, MaxCAN21965.5
19 Song, EthanCAN22085.5
20FMStevens, ChristianCAN22605.5
21IMLe, Quang LongCAN24035.5
22 Latorre, VincentCAN21815.5
23IMLawson, EricCAN21925.5
24IMKaufman, RaymondCAN21535.5
25CMJaferian, KooshaCAN22345
26FMKeleberda, TymurCAN22355
27CMDoknjas, NeilCAN22735
28 Kalinin, DzmitryCAN19975
29FMXu, DanielCAN22125
30 Terry, JoshuaCAN22135
31FMPlotkin, VictorCAN22735
32 Kot, EmanuelCAN20355
33 Abrahams, DanielCAN21665
34CMKang, DorianCAN21025
35 England, MaxCAN20204.5
36FMTanaka, Taira TylerCAN22564.5
37 Huang, YouheCAN19924.5
38CMYang, Jingyun (Ryan)CAN21224
39IMCummings, David H.CAN23334
40IMPiasetski, LeonCAN21594
41CMLi, WilliamCAN21034
42 Yuen, Noah NathanielCAN19144
43 Marchand, CalixCAN19424
44 Jodar Arias, MarlonCAN22093.5
45 Taylor, AshtonCAN18393.5
46 Mahip, SinghCAN19693.5
47CMLin, LeoCAN21533.5
48 Clyde, JordanCAN20853.5
49 Liu, Zachary HankunCAN19103.5
50 Campbell, RyanCAN20643.5
51 Wiebe, IsaacCAN19813
52 Yang, LefanCAN19423
53 Malakar, SaarthakCAN19643
54CMDerraugh, GeordieCAN21892.5
55 Ajith, AayushCAN19592.5
56 Marin, SamCAN20362.5
57IMBarron, MichaelCAN21432.5
58 Liu, HenryCAN19962
59IMChiku-Ratte, Olivier-KentaCAN23352
60 Mao, FengxiCAN21322
61FMNicula, MariusCAN21731.5
62 Joseph, JonathCAN21511
63 Ma, DerekCAN19861
64 Yu, JonathanCAN20450.5
Rk. NameFEDRtgPts. 
1WGMOuellet, Maili-JadeCAN22677.5
2WIMDemchenko, SvitlanaCAN21417.5
3WIMLi, YunshanCAN22627.5
4WIMPham, Bich NgocCAN22066.5
5 Li, YilinCAN18976
6WFMMills, MorgenCAN20186
7 Jiang, Kate YuhuaCAN18845.5
8 D`souza, CarinaCAN18255.5
9WFMGolubeva, OksanaCAN21585.5
10 Sreekumar, GauriCAN16355.5
11WCMZhong, April YunweiCAN18415.5
12 Mok, Gillian Xi-LinCAN16235.5
13 Zhang, MichelleCAN18855.5
14WCMLaksshana, DeepakCAN18715
15 Ruchinskaya, ValerieCAN18255
16 Glenda, BaylonCAN18855
17WCMGao, LucyCAN18225
18 Fiset, Anais ChloeCAN17545
19 Todd, AdieCAN16895
20 Roque, AlexaCAN15255
21 Xie, IreneCAN17525
22 Koop, Alison EmilyCAN16404.5
23 Zhang, JoyceCAN17214.5
24 Roshini.P, CAN17614.5
25 Chen, RaeCAN17284.5
26 Ambilwade, OjalCAN16724.5
27 Norovsambuu, EmmaCAN16264.5
28WCMWang, Rachel ZihanCAN18134.5
29 Kaye, OlyaCAN17294.5
30 Guan, IsabelleCAN14744.5
31 Hitchlock, VeronicaCAN16804
32 Jiang, Hanxi (Hancy)CAN17194
33 Gavrileva, AnnaCAN16274
34 Fu, AshleyCAN15284
35 Wang, AngelaCAN15463.5
36 Leung, KatherineCAN14933.5
37 Zhao, ShannonCAN03.5
38 Geillon-Barral, RoweenCAN14813.5
39 Manikandan Reddia Gowder, KaviraCAN03.5
40 Li, YeeshuenCAN15873
41 Xiao, StephanieCAN15633
42 Yang, LucyCAN16113
43 Dolderman, ClaraCAN03
44 Sreekumar, GayathriCAN14553
45 Chen, ShuangCAN16172.5
46 Yeung, MarissaCAN02
47 Abbarin, ShabnamCAN15641
48 Geillon, Christiane NathalieCAN01
49 Miao, GraceCAN00

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