Saturday, February 22, 2025
Home ยป Vladimir Kramnik about Clash of Blames organization (Updated)

Vladimir Kramnik about Clash of Blames organization (Updated)

by doubleattack

I would like to thank organizers of the Clash of Blames for providing equal conditions and respectful attitude for both players. Big difference comparing to the previous event.

Online part of the match worked perfectly, no lags, no bugs. Possible to manage when you want to ๐Ÿ˜‰

Vladimir Kramnik narrowly defeated Jose Martinez by 19:17.

Jose Martinez congratulated Kramnik on the victory: “Thank you for the good attention and hospitality to the organization of the Clash of Blames. These have been difficult days and will continue to be, but I agreed to go and compete under my circumstances. In that sense, I want to congratulate the winner of the Match Vladimir Kramnik.”

Apparently, Kramnik also took a polygraph test on 22nd August where he answered questions about Veselin Topalov match, as well as fair play online.

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