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Home ยป Rustam Kasimdzhanov Cup in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Rustam Kasimdzhanov Cup in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

by doubleattack

The winning nation of the 2022 Chess Olympiad in Chennai decided to honor the former World Champion and one of its most influential chess stars – Rustam Kasimdzhanov.

The Uzbekistan Chess Federation organized the 1st International Chess Tournament โ€œRustam Kasimdzhanov Cupโ€ on 28-29th March in capitol Tashkent.

The rapid event with the time control 15 min + 10 sec was held in two 10-player groups: Masters and Challengers.

The 17-years old local star Javokhir Sindarov emerged clear winner of the Masters section with 6,5/9 points. He started the event with two wins against top grandmasters Parham Maghsoodloo and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov and maintained the lead throughout the event.

Javokhir Sindarov

Parham Maghsoodloo recovered after the loss at the start and with three mid-way victories secured a clear second place with 6 points.

The Challengers section was also 10-player round robin. Serbian GM Aleksandar Indjic and local IM Ortik Nigmatov shared the first place with 6,5/9 points each.

Final standings (Masters):

  1. GM Sindarov Javokhir UZB 2578 – 6.5
  2. GM Maghsoodloo Parham IRI 2660 – 6.0
  3. GM Vokhidov Shamsiddin UZB 2514 – 5.0
    4-6. GM Grischuk Alexander RUS 2731, GM Abdusattorov Nodirbek UZB 2714 and GM Mamedyarov Shakhriyar AZE 2703 – 4.5
  4. GM Vakhidov Jakhongir UZB 2513 – 4.0
    8-9. GM Kasimdzhanov Rustam UZB 2662 and GM Yakubboev Nodirbek UZB 2577 – 3.5
  5. GM Van Foreest Jorden NED 2682 – 3.0

Final standings (Challengers):

1-2. GM Indjic Aleksandar SRB 2543 and IM Nigmatov Ortik UZB 2344 – 6.5

  1. GM Sargissian Gabriel ARM 2628 – 5.5
    4-5. FM Saydaliev Saidakbar UZB 2276 and GM Sanal Vahap TUR 2548 – 5.0
  2. GM Donchenko Alexander GER 2590 – 4.5
    7-8. FM Begmuratov Khumoyun UZB 2228 and IM Abdisalimov Abdimalik UZB 2333 – 3.5
    9-10. IM Abdurakhmonov Mukhammadali UZB 2237 and IM Fayzullaev Akmal UZB 2311 – 2.5

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