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HIT Chess Open 2024 – All information

by L'immortale

The 28th edition of the HIT Chess Open will be held from 26th January to 2nd February in Nova Gorica, Slovenia. The event features two sections: Open A (for players rated 1500+) and Open B (for players rated U1500).

The main Open A tournament will be played in 9 rounds, swiss system, with the time control of 90 minutes + 30 seconds increment for each move and the prize fund of 5.000 EUR. Already nearly 100 players from 16 countries registered for the event and the top-seeds are: GM Ferenc Berkes (Hungary, 2613), GM Matej Sebenik (Slovenia, 2536), and GM Pier Luigi Basso (Italy, 2482) who started the year with the triumph at the Sevilla Chess Open 2024. Complete starting list of players can be found below.

Playing schedule:

Round Date Time
1 2024/01/26 17:00
2 2024/01/27 10:00
3 2024/01/27 17:00
4 2024/01/28 17:00
5 2024/01/29 17:00
6 2024/01/30 17:00
7 2024/01/31 17:00
8 2024/02/01 17:00
9 2024/02/02 15:00

Detailed information can be found on the tournament website.

HIT Chess Open 2024 – Starting list of players:

No. NameFEDRtgI
1GMBerkes, FerencHUN2613
2GMSebenik, MatejSLO2536
3GMBasso, Pier LuigiITA2482
4IMCsonka, BalazsHUN2479
5GMBeliavsky, Alexander GSLO2475
6IMDoric, DarkoCRO2456
7IMCeres, DragosMDA2438
8GMCvitan, OgnjenCRO2422
9GMFercec, NenadCRO2410
10IMKaracsonyi, GellertHUN2398
11IMKulkarni, BhaktiIND2364
12GMDavies, Nigel RENG2349
13WIMGaal, ZsokaHUN2341
14FMGoroshkov, MaksymSLO2338
15FMOngut, Tamas GunesHUN2310
16FMLavrencic, MaticSLO2299
17FMStevanic, DavidSLO2294
18FMFurlan, MihaSLO2287
19FMAshwath, R.IND2284
20FMPerossa, NicolasITA2277
21GMDrazic, SinisaSRB2270
22 Plaskan, JureSLO2262
23FMBodrogi, BendeguzHUN2261
24 Herega, NejcSLO2257
25GMDjuric, StefanSRB2220
26 Skrbec, LeonSLO2218
27 Gregoric, AndrazSLO2217
28 Zupancic, JernejSLO2211
29CMMarchesich, GiovanniITA2210
30CMGarsky, VladyslavUKR2186
31FMCeschia, IvanoITA2183
32 Siraj, SvitSLO2182
33 Kozlovic, JernejSLO2174
34 Caruso, AugustoITA2159
35 Szegedy, MatyasHUN2129
36WIMHrescak, IvanaSLO2117
37 Centrih, AleksSLO2082
38 Mestek, IgorSLO2080
39CMDebevec, BlazSLO2077
40 Markocic, TineSLO2055
41 Trybus, DanielPOL2039
42CMBazilius, AugustinasLTU2030
43WFMKejzar, PetraSLO2025
44 Zupancic, UrbanSLO2025
45WCMDorokhina, ElizavetaFID1994
46 Pirs, MatjazSLO1965
47 Cziko, Eduard-CarolROU1946
48 Labrovic, JakovCRO1925
49 Privitera, FrancoITA1919
50 Orsatti, MarcelloITA1918
51 Capaliku, AleksITA1913
52 Horvath, AndrasHUN1901
53 Hozjan, ErikSLO1897
54 Kukushkin, IvanLAT1890
55 Atakay, MustafaUSA1889
56 Kekic, UrbanSLO1885
57 Veselic, MaksSLO1874
58 Budai, FedericoITA1861
59 Pagnutti, LorenzoITA1859
60 Tonel, GiuliaITA1851
61 Racnik, ToneSLO1849
62 Budai, LeonardoITA1847
63 Pagano, SergioITA1821
64 Novak, RokSLO1777
65 Gricnik, TineSLO1758
66 Rigatti, GiorgioITA1749
67 Zlatanovic, MarcusSLO1745
68 Barbir, PetarCRO1738
69 Vicic, MarkSLO1729
70 Petrosino, GermanoITA1715
71 Ivsek, CvetoSLO1711
72 Bajec, BorutSLO1703
73 Jalovec, IgorSLO1703
74 Guid, TajaSLO1698
75 Gratton, DamjanSLO1691
76 Papler, PeterSLO1691
77 Zlatanovic, SrdjanSLO1675
78 Vodnik, ValSLO1661
79 Mazzi, LeonardoITA1647
80 Deschi, Leonardo SimoneITA1639
81 Gergolet, JanITA1632
82 Mihelj, EdvardSLO1618
83 Cokan, MirkoSLO1614
84 Petrovcic, CvetkoSLO1611
85 Beber, AnjaSLO1606
86 Cortese, LinaITA1582
87 Belyaletdinov, LeonardSLO1581
88 Mulec, DejanSLO1577
89 Milicevic, ZoranITA1550
90 Trybus, DominikaPOL1530

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