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Home ยป GM Razvan Preotu victorious at the 15th Calgary International Chess Open

GM Razvan Preotu victorious at the 15th Calgary International Chess Open

by L'immortale

The 15th edition of the Calgary International Chess Open was played from 26-30 December at the Calgary Chess Club in Canada. The event gathered 20 players who competed for $2,500 prize pool over 9-swiss rounds.

GM Razvan Preotu (Canada, 2475) won the event with the score of 7/9 points. Preotu started the event with 5/5 points, but then suffered a loss in the sixth round against lower-rated Amir Mohammad Bahmani (Iran, 2191). Despite suffering another loss in the penultimate 8th round against FM John Doknjas (Canada, 2280), GM Razvan Preotu came victorious in the tournament with a full point edge over three players who tied for second place. FM Tymur Keleberda had the best tiebreaks to finish second, GM Vladimir Georgiev (North Macedonia, 2388) was third and FM John Doknjas (Canada, 2280) came fourth.

GM Razvan Preotu wins Calgary Chess Open 2024; Photo by Yao Wang

Final rankings – 15th Calgary Chess Open:

Rk. NameFEDRtgPts. TB1
1GMPreotu, RazvanCAN2475748
2FMKeleberda, TymurCAN2296649
3GMGeorgiev, VladimirMKD2388648
4FMDoknjas, JohnCAN2280641
5 Chandra, Anand RishiCAN21625.550
6CMDoknjas, NeilCAN22625.544
7 Bahmani, Amir MohammadIRI2191548
8GMKomarov, DimitriUKR2442545
9 Alpuri, AaqilCAN1962538
10FMNg, GaryCAN2217538
11 Bai, JinghuiCAN1984537
12 Darvekar, YashCAN18764.541
13CMArruebarrena, RafaelVEN20934.537
14 Vasic, MaximCAN20443.541
15 Srinivasan, HemantCAN20803.540
16FMHaessel, DaleCAN19872.536
17 Hoekman, SamuelCAN19922.534
18 Kostadinov, GeorgeCAN2043236
19IMPiasetski, LeonCAN2179232
20 Michalchuk, AveryCAN18090.517

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