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GM Pier Luigi Basso wins HIT Chess Open 2024

by L'immortale

It’s been a great start of the year for GM Pier Luigi Basso who yesterday clinched his second consecutive Open tournament victory! Pier Luigi Basso emerged as the Winner of the 28th HIT Chess Open right after triumphing at the Sevilla Chess Open 2024.

With a draw in the last round, GM Pier Luigi Basso scored 7/9 points and secured the trophy at the HIT Chess Open. Basso finished the event unbeaten and earned 11.1 ELO points. He was half a point ahead of GM Ferenc Berkes and WIM Zsoka Gaal who scored 6.5 points (each) to tie for the second place.

16-year-old WIM Zsoka Gaal stole the show at the tournament with her impressive performance. After a bad start with only 0.5/2 points, Gaal had a huge come-back and scored 6/7 points to place herself on the winners podium. The final standings can be found below.

Photo from the Official webpage of the event

HIT Chess Open 2024 – Final standings:

Rk. NameFEDRtgIPts. 
1GMBasso, Pier LuigiITA24827
2GMBerkes, FerencHUN26136.5
3WIMGaal, ZsokaHUN23416.5
4IMCsonka, BalazsHUN24796
5IMCeres, DragosMDA24386
6GMSebenik, MatejSLO25366
7IMKulkarni, BhaktiIND23646
8FMGoroshkov, MaksymSLO23386
9GMBeliavsky, Alexander GSLO24756
10 Skrbec, LeonSLO22186
11 Kozlovic, JernejSLO21746
12IMDoric, DarkoCRO24565.5
13IMKaracsonyi, GellertHUN23985.5
14FMAshwath, R.IND22845.5
15FMBodrogi, BendeguzHUN22615.5
16GMFercec, NenadCRO24105.5
17CMMarchesich, GiovanniITA22105.5
18FMFurlan, MihaSLO22875.5
19GMDjuric, StefanSRB22205.5
20FMOngut, Tamas GunesHUN23105.5
21GMCvitan, OgnjenCRO24225.5
22 Zupancic, JernejSLO22115.5
23 Centrih, AleksSLO20825.5
24GMDrazic, SinisaSRB22705
25 Szegedy, MatyasHUN21295
26GMDavies, Nigel RENG23495
27FMPerossa, NicolasITA22775
28FMStevanic, DavidSLO22945
29 Plaskan, JureSLO22625
  Zupancic, UrbanSLO20255
31FMLavrencic, MaticSLO22995
32 Herega, NejcSLO22575
33 Gregoric, AndrazSLO22175
34 Pirs, MatjazSLO19655
35WCMDorokhina, ElizavetaFID19945
36 Budai, LeonardoITA18475
37WFMKejzar, PetraSLO20255
38CMBazilius, AugustinasLTU20305
39 Budai, FedericoITA18615
40WIMHrescak, IvanaSLO21174.5
41 Siraj, SvitSLO21824.5
42 Jalovec, IgorSLO17034.5
43 Caruso, AugustoITA21594.5
44 Privitera, FrancoITA19194.5
45 Markocic, TineSLO20554.5
46CMGarsky, VladyslavUKR21864.5
47 Capaliku, AleksITA19134.5
48 Barbir, PetarCRO17384.5
49 Tonel, GiuliaITA18514.5
50 Pagnutti, LorenzoITA18594.5
51 Pagano, SergioITA18214.5
52FMCeschia, IvanoITA21834
53CMDebevec, BlazSLO20774
54 Mazzi, LeonardoITA16474
55 Trybus, DanielPOL20394
56 Veselic, MaksSLO18744
57 Kukushkin, IvanLAT18904
58 Orsatti, MarcelloITA19184
59 Zlatanovic, SrdjanSLO16754
60 Petrosino, GermanoITA17154
61 Rigatti, GiorgioITA17494
62 Ivsek, CvetoSLO17114
63 Labrovic, JakovCRO19254
64 Beber, AnjaSLO16064
65 Horvath, AndrasHUN19014
66 Hozjan, ErikSLO18974
67 Kekic, UrbanSLO18854
68 Novak, RokSLO17773.5
69 Gergolet, JanITA16323.5
70 Mestek, IgorSLO20803.5
71 Belyaletdinov, LeonardSLO15813.5
72 Racnik, ToneSLO18493.5
73 Atakay, MustafaUSA18893.5
  Gricnik, TineSLO17583.5
75 Vodnik, ValSLO16613.5
76 Guid, TajaSLO16983.5
77 Cortese, LinaITA15823.5
78 Mulec, DejanSLO15773.5
79 Zlatanovic, MarcusSLO17453.5
80 Trybus, DominikaPOL15303
81 Vicic, MarkSLO17293
82 Milicevic, ZoranITA15503
83 Papler, PeterSLO16913
84 Gratton, DamjanSLO16913
85 Petrovcic, CvetkoSLO16112.5
86 Mihelj, EdvardSLO16182.5
87 Bajec, BorutSLO17032.5
88 Cokan, MirkoSLO16142.5
89 Cziko, Eduard-CarolROU19460.5
90 Deschi, Leonardo SimoneITA16390.5

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