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GM Nikita Petrov wins Montenegro Chess Championship 2024

by L'immortale

The Montenegro Chess Championship 2024 took place from 6-15 February in Podgorica, celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Montenegro Chess Federation. The event was played in 11 rounds, swiss system, with a historical prize fund of 15.000 euros.

The Winner of the event was determined in the thrilling final round of the event. GM Nikola Djukic and GM Nikita Petrov headed into the last round co-leading the tournament with 8 points, each. The stakes were high and both players pressed for victories in the final game. It looked like Nikola Djukic would score a quick win against GM Bozidar Ivanovic, but he dropped a huge advantage by entering a drawish endgame. 11-time Montenegro’s Chess Champion Nikola Djukic tried to use the Bishop pair and his opponent eventually cracked, letting Djukic to score an important victory.

In the meantime, a similar scenario could have been seen on the first board in the game between GM Milan Drasko and Nikita Petrov. Petrov earned a big advantage in the early part of the game, but Drasko managed to escape and entered a complicated endgame with a piece down. The engine bar showed the equal position, but Milan Drasko made a crucial mistake in the 6th hour of play and resigned immediately after 76.Nd6??. (All games can be replayed here)

Scoring 9/11 points, GM Nikita Petrov and GM Nikola Djukic tied for the first place, but tiebreak criteria favored GM Nikita Petrov who clinched the title. GM Nikola Djukic claimed silver medal, while GM Denis Kadric won bronze thanks to the best tiebreaks in a group of three players who scored 7.5 points. Final rankings can be found below.

Photos by Montenegro Chess Federation

Montenegro Chess Championship 2024 – Final rankings:

Rk. NameFEDRtgPts. TB1TB2
1GMPetrov, NikitaMNE256390.569.5
2GMDjukic, NikolaMNE252190.569
3GMKadric, DenisMNE25867.5173
4GMDraskovic, LukaMNE24857.5172.5
5IMSmirnov, ArtemMNE24067.5170
6FMVukcevic, NemanjaMNE22757069
7IMKalezic, BlazoMNE24077063
8 Vujovic, SavoMNE21377058
9GMNikcevic, NebojsaMNE23386.5067
10FMSukovic, AndrejMNE23396.5066.5
11 Nenezic, DaniloMNE20866.5065
12IMTomic, AleksandarMNE23986.5064.5
13FMMilovic, JovanMNE22666.5064.5
14GMDrasko, MilanMNE23396.5064
15GMIvanovic, BozidarMNE24036.5061.5
16 Djurovic, PekoMNE23326.5060.5
17 Scekic, VeljkoMNE22066.5052
18WFMSkvortsova, AlenaMNE20856065.5
19CMSkvortsov, AndreiMNE23096063.5
20IMPodlesnik, BogdanMNE22846063.5
21 Draganic, VeljkoMNE23236061.5
22WFMZherebtsova, AlexandraMNE22706060.5
23FMMusovic, ArminMNE22686059.5
24IMVujosevic, VladimirMNE23356058.5
25FMPobor, MiloMNE22015.5059
26 Popovic, MatejaMNE18805.5057
27WFMKoljevic, NikolinaMNE19745.5054
28 Milovic, IlijaMNE18775.5052
29 Sekulic, NikolaMNE05.5048
30 Miletic, VukMNE22135059
31 Krstonijevic, StjepanMNE21085058.5
32 Kandic, MilojkoMNE20455058
33IMNikac, PredragMNE23045055.5
34 Abramovic, DragoljubMNE20185055.5
35 Grbovic, DinoMNE19465055
36 Loncar, MilenkoMNE20265051
37 Kadic, BranislavMNE19705049
38 Doderovic, AleksaMNE16395044
39 Ratkovic, MiloradMNE20634.5060.5
40FMDjukanovic, SretenMNE20684.5060
41 Zivkovic, SlavenMNE18994.5047.5
42 Cadjenovic, DraganMNE18094.5046
43 Milovic, SofijaMNE13484.5041.5
44 Petrovic, SlavkoMNE18364055.5
45 Lakusic, ZoranMNE16524047.5
46 Popovic, NikolaMNE14334047
47 Khramko, LevMNE14584044
48 Lekic, PavleMNE16614042.5
49 Vukovic, KrstoMNE19043150
50 Mosurovic, MilenaMNE15453049
51 Janketic, MilosMNE14012041.5
52 Maras, Marija MiaMNE11270033.5

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