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Home ยป GM Li Di wins Lorca Chess Open 2024

GM Li Di wins Lorca Chess Open 2024

by L'immortale

The 13th edition of the Lorca Chess Open was held from 26-30 December in Lorca, Spain. The event gathered 77 entries in the A section and 122 participants in the B tournament, fighting for the total prize fund of 7.500 euros.

GM Li Di (China, 2552) emerged as the sole Winner of the A tournament scoring unbeaten 8/9 points. Li Di only drew against second-seeded GM Vignesh N R (India, 2523) and IM Xu Minghui (China, 2405), convincingly winning the event and the top prize of 1.500 euros.

GM Vignesh N R (India, 2523) came second with the score of 7.5 points, while four players tied for third with 6.5 points. With the best tiebreaks criteria, GM Alexis Cabrera (Spain, 2410) finished the event in the third place.

Detailed information can be found on the official website of the event.

Final standings – Lorca Chess Open 2024:

Rk. NameTypsexFEDRtgPts. 
1GMLi, Di  CHN25528
2GMVignesh, N R  IND25237.5
3GMCabrera, Alexis  ESP24106.5
4IMFilgueiras, Nathan Felipe  BRA23286.5
5GMKhamrakulov, Ibragim S.  ESP23886.5
6FMChavez Suarez, Carlos Alberto  CUB22786.5
7IMXu, Minghui  CHN24056
8GMNarciso Dublan, MarcS50 ESP23736
9 Vingris, Mikelis  LAT21476
10CMBartakke, Amardeep S.S50 IND19656
11 Paikens, Reinis  LAT21666
12IMSabuk, Piotr  POL23856
13 Mitul, K HU14 IND18346
14 Valdepenas Octavio, Javier  ESP21455.5
15 Piccoli, Lucas Fonseca  BRA22705.5
16 Shah, Jeet  IND20525.5
17FMCarrascoso Morales, Abel  ESP21825.5
18 Bartakke, Aditya  IND19575.5
19 Atharva, Kale  IND18665.5
20IMLuch, Michal  POL23295.5
21FMTonndorf, Matthias  GER21385
22FMPiedra Salabarria, Ernesto  CUB22725
23 Borre Meza, Orlando DavidU14 COL18765
24 Valdats, ReinisU14 LAT21755
25WFMFernandez Bustamante, Leancy B. wCUB21295
26 Cano Mateos, Pablo  ESP20675
27GMPogorelov, RuslanS65 ESP22825
28 Boricha, Yohan  IND18885
29 Alvarez Morales, Miguel  ESP20655
30CMVinuesa Sorli, Ruben  ESP22915
31 Lazars, KrisjanisU12 LAT18585
32 Maklakova, Nellija wLAT18855
33 Fondrat, Johan  FRA20574.5
34 Navarro Cabrera, Carlos  ESP20034.5
35 Medhvansh, Madeti  IND18794.5
36 Leiva Raya, Nicolas  ESP18914.5
37 Yu, ZechenU10 CHN20034.5
38 Escudero Ribo, Eloi  ESP19034.5
39 Mendez Gimenez, Nestor EmmanuelU14 ESP18934.5
40 Troidl, Thomas Dr.S50 GER19454
41 Ibarra Jerez, Juan Miguel  ESP22204
42 Hanache, KaiU12 ENG20804
43AIMBryant, HarryU12 ENG19714
44 Adarsh, DU14 IND19874
45 Picazo Gonzalez, Alejandro  ESP19564
46 Perez Epinin, Gines  ESP20524
47 Bercaru, Vlad Ionut  ESP20654
48WCMMaklakova, NaomiU14wLAT20034
49 Collado Alcolado, Angel  ESP20614
50 Vaddhireddy, Sai  ENG19624
51 Diaz Rodriguez, Jose AntonioS50 ESP19734
52 Pastor Villalba, ArturoS65 ESP18914
53 Guirado Castillo, Pablo  ESP16984
54 Lasheras Martinez, Juan Thomas  ESP21283.5
55 Jansone, Melanija Luize wLAT18853.5
56 Peschardt, SorenS65 ESP18953.5
57 Ramos Saavedra, Mario  ESP19833.5
58 Sala Esquiva, MiguelU14 ESP20153.5
59 Kong, LingzhijieU10 ESP18173.5
60 Velasco Garcia, Jorge JuanS50 ESP19383.5
61 Guirado Lara, PabloU10 ESP17343.5
62 Garcia Sanz, EduardoS50 ESP18603.5
63 Herrero Pena, LauraU14wESP18043.5
64IMIlinca, Felix-AntonioU14 ROU24503
65IMVehi Bach, Victor ManuelS50 ESP21843
66 Patil, Rushad  JPN17823
67 Fernandez Calzada, Juan A.S65 ESP17733
68 Mengual Brotons, JesusU12 ESP17233
69 Romero Garcia, Jose Luis  ESP18423
70 Beneyto De Ramon, GuillermoU14 ESP20342.5
71AFMAsensio Ramon, Ismael  ESP17802.5
72 Strekalovs, ErnestsU12 LAT16392.5
73 Martinez, ThomasS50 FRA15942
74 Perez Fernandez, ArysU14 ESP15711.5
75 Ilinca Ilinca, Filip Antonio  ESP17901.5
76 Asensio Linan, TeodoroS50 ESP20521.5
77 Alonso Garuti, Luis EugenioS65 ESP18631.5

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