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GM Eltaj Safarli wins Serbia Chess Open 2024

by L'immortale

The 4th edition of the Serbia Chess Open finished yesterday in Belgrade. The event featured more than 10 tournaments and 30.000 euros in prizes, with the Masters tournament main on the programme.

GM Eltaj Safarli (Azerbaijan, 2600) emerged as the sole winner of the Masters section scoring unbeaten 7.5/9 points. He finished a full point ahead of eight players who tied for second place, clinching the money prize of 5.000 euros.

IM Ariel Erenberg (Israel, 2493) had the best tiebreak criteria finishing second, GM Sabino Brunello (Italy, 2506) was third, GM Andreas Kelires (Greece, 2516) came fourth, IM Bojan Maksimovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2488) finished fifth, GM Denis Makhnev (Kazakhstan, 2545) ended sixth, GM Ferenc Berkes (Hungary, 2612) came seventh, IM Aswath S (India, 2371) was eight and IM Suresh Harsh (India, 2415) was the last one in the group.

WCM Bat-Erdene Mungunzul (Mongolia, 2125) had a fantastic tournament and scored 5.5 points to be the best-ranked female player. She earned 64.8 elo points, and performed with 2397 rating to win WGM norm. WGM Josefine Heinemann (Germany, 2279) and WGM Marina Gajcin (Serbia, 2305) scored 5 points each, but Heinemann had slightly better tiebreaks to be second women player, and Gajcin won third place.

Final rankings:

Rk. NamesexFEDRtgIPts. 
1GMSafarli, Eltaj AZE26007.5
2IMErenberg, Ariel ISR24936.5
3GMBrunello, Sabino ITA25066.5
4GMKelires, Andreas GRE25166.5
5IMMaksimovic, Bojan BIH24886.5
6GMMakhnev, Denis KAZ25456.5
7GMBerkes, Ferenc HUN26126.5
8IMAswath, S IND23716.5
9IMHarsh, Suresh IND24156.5
10GMBalakrishnan, Praveen USA25036
11IMMardov, Dimitar USA24846
12FMBykov, Egor RUS24246
13GMMarkus, Robert SRB25956
14CMBharadia, Yash IND21766
15IMAgibileg, Uurtsaikh MGL24186
16GMDragnev, Valentin AUT25576
17 Bhattacharyya, Soham IND24776
18GMIvanisevic, Ivan SRB25366
19IMRadovanovic, Mihajlo SRB24386
20FMCulum, Sanjin BIH23905.5
21IMWang, Shixu B CHN24225.5
22FMMoosavifar, Seyed Abolfazl IRI22835.5
23GMPriasmoro, Novendra INA25135.5
24FMRohit, S IND23635.5
25FMZhukov, Anton FID22375.5
26IMPolschikov, Alexey RUS23765.5
27IMUskov, Artem FID24435.5
28IMPang, Tao CHN24945.5
29FMTulchynskyi, Feliks UKR22065.5
30FMItgelt, Khuyagtsogt MGL24025.5
31FMOrujov, Farid AZE22435.5
32AIMVershinin, Igor RUS20925.5
33 Akhmedov, David FID22635.5
34GMAtalik, Suat SRB24565.5
35FMApoorv, Kamble IND22695.5
36FMTudor, Henry Edward ROU24035.5
37FMVeljanoski, Andrej MKD22915.5
38IMUrazayev, Arystanbek KAZ24765.5
39GMDamljanovic, Branko SRB23645.5
40CMBauer, Thomas AUT21645.5
41WCMMungunzul, Bat-ErdenewMGL21255.5
42 Xu, Junwei CHN21385.5
43IMSetyaki, Azarya Jodi INA23705
44 Bukreev, Stanislav RUS21955
45GMIvanov, Mikhail M SRB22525
46GMTodorovic, Goran M SRB22885
47 Jiang, Qinyu CHN22465
48FMKhripachenko, Alexander FID23415
49 Wang, Yanbin CHN24355
50WGMHeinemann, JosefinewGER22795
51WGMGajcin, MarinawSRB23055
52IMPasti, Aron HUN24015
53FMNurgaliyev, Sauat KAZ23544.5
54 Li, Guohao CHN23314.5
55FMKorshunov, Sergey And. FID23614.5
56FMKrivenko, Sergei FID22684.5
57 Arnav, Maheshwari IND23284.5
58 Xi, Qi CHN22094.5
59IMFilip, Lucian-Ioan ROU23464.5
60 Vasilkov, Nikolay FID20664.5
61FMAlbers, Sasa NED23094.5
62FMErnst, Robert AUT22924.5
63FMAditya, Varun Gampa IND22774.5
64AFMZlatkov, Anton MKD23014.5
65IMNie, Xinyang CHN23954.5
66FMCiolek, Andreas GER22774.5
67 Tsarsitalidis, Konstantinos GRE22254.5
68 Gagic, Milan A SRB22804.5
69FMFilip, Andrei ROU23254.5
70FMPopovic, Dragan B SRB21594.5
71GMZajic, Milan SRB24534.5
72FMRahman, Masruri INA23184.5
73FMAnand, Batsukh MGL22644.5
74 Tsarsitalidis, Christos GRE22104.5
75FMGombocz, Ferenc Jr. HUN23574.5
76 Dumbelovic, Novak SRB20444.5
77CMWilly, Stephen USA21484.5
78WFMMehmed, ElifwSRB22694.5
79 Cao, Qingfeng CHN21894.5
80WFMBashylina, LuisawGER22234.5
81WFMVujovic, VerawSRB21354.5
82 Koudounis, Vasileios GRE22174.5
83FMSelbes, Tamer Tarik TUR21834
84FMOmorjan, Dejan SRB23034
85CMYilmaz, Baver TUR22804
86FMAlexiadis, Hristos GRE23784
87 Lupolov, Boris RUS20974
88WIMPogorelskikh, SofiawSRB22164
89 Popvasilev, Kaloyan GER22524
90WFMMgeladze, KesariawGEO21694
91 Krunic, Dusan SRB21324
92FMDurucay, Uygar TUR21644
93 Pranav, K P IND22433.5
94FMStankovic, Boris SRB23043.5
95FMAverin, Nikolay FID22233.5
96CMShogdzhiev, Roman FID20443.5
97 Alok, Sinha IND22453.5
98 Kovac, Petar CRO22673.5
99CMTodev, Simeon BUL21383.5
100CMMijatovic, Dusan SRB21413.5
101FMCarnic, Srdjan SRB22293.5
102FMMartic, Ivan SRB22733.5
103 Sperat Czar, Nicolas FRA21533.5
104 Kutanjac, Aleksandar SRB20943.5
105 Stefanovic, Bosko SRB20733.5
106 Ivanovic, Leonid SRB20783.5
107IMAndrijevic, Milan SRB21093.5
108 Ciocani, Iosif ROU21333.5
109IMDragojlovic, Andjelko SRB21063.5
110WFMMihelic, VesnawSLO21513.5
111WFMKhuslen, ErdenebayarwMGL21393.5
112 Li, PanruwCHN20953.5
113 Hu, JianiwCHN21393
114 Doraszelski, Alexander GER22503
115IMMasic, Predrag SRB21763
116 Colev, Ivor CRO21313
117 Savic, Nemanja SRB21103
118 Pasti, Zsombor HUN20393
119CMKhakhinov, Ilya RUS22363
120 Petrusic, Velimir SRB20802.5
121 Kanizaj, Benjamin CRO21102.5
122WFMGrozdanovic, AnastasiawSRB20352.5
123CMSahin, Sarp TUR21872.5
124WGMEric, JovanawSRB21812.5
125IMRozen, Eytan ISR24952.5
126IMKushagra, Mohan IND23672
127 Leskovac, Nikola SRB21882
128WFMDeak-Sala, EmiliawAUT20532
129FMPlichta, Kamil POL24012
130 Vujatovic, IrinawSRB19952
131 Phatak, Aanjaneya IND21891.5
132 Brankovic, Vladislav SRB21481.5
133 Mijic, SarawSRB19781.5
134 Pasula, Milos SRB19681.5
135FMSpasic, Petar SRB23561.5
136FMJocev, Milan SRB22471.5
137WGMZakurdjaeva, IrinawRUS21750.5
138FMSpiric, Igor SRB22160
139GMPap, Misa SRB23990

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