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Home ยป GM Diego Flores is a convincing Winner of the Perez Chess Open 2024

GM Diego Flores is a convincing Winner of the Perez Chess Open 2024

by L'immortale

The Perez Chess Open 2024 took place from 22-25 February in Perez, Santa Fe, Argentina. The event was played in 7 rounds, swiss system, with more than 100 entries fighting for the prize pool of 1,000,000 pesos (~ 1,200 USD).

GM Diego Flores (Argentina, 2526) emerged convincing Winner of the event with the score of 6/7 points. After perfect result in the first five rounds, draws in the last two games were enough for Flores to clinch the event.

Five players scored 5.5 points to share 2-6 place, but FM German Spata (Argentina, 2399) came second thanks to the best tiebreaks, GM Ruben Felgaer (Argentina, 2572) finished third, Gaspar Asprelli (Argentina, 2247) was fourth, IM Guillermo Llanos (Argentina, 2271) came fifth, and FM Agustin Villarreal (Argentina, 2278) finished the tournament in the sixth place.

Detailed information can be found on the tournament website / chess – results.

Final standings – Perez Chess Open 2024:

Rk. NameFEDRtgPts. 
1GMFlores, DiegoARG25266
2FMSpata, GermanARG23995.5
3GMFelgaer, RubenARG25725.5
4 Asprelli, GasparARG22475.5
5IMLlanos, GuillermoARG22715.5
6FMVillarreal, AgustinARG22785.5
7IMVillca, JulianARG24115
8GMRodriguez Vila, AndresURU24255
9 Ibarra, Juan MartinARG23005
10 Mavrich, DemianARG22615
11 Alvarez, LeandroARG21035
12IMPerez, MaximilianoARG23745
13FMSanhueza, CristianARG22435
14IMAcosta, Pablo IsmaelARG24795
15 Carrizo, Luciano ArielARG21705
16FMZapata Charles, SantiagoARG23005
17 Dubrovich, IgorARG20245
18WGMAmura, ClaudiaARG21964.5
19 Carnevale, SofiaARG15914.5
20 Acosta, Franco EmanuelARG21094.5
21 Petti, Luca GiovanniARG20994.5
22WIMBorda Rodas, Anapaola S.ARG22414.5
23 Antoniazzi, MaximilianoARG18714.5
24 Hutt, Alejandro GabrielARG20394.5
25 Yedlin, IsidoroARG22264.5
26 Frenquelli, FacundoARG17594.5
27 Camani, FranciscoARG14104.5
28 Fuentes, AgustinARG20304
29 Codino, Juan MartinARG15994
30 Banegas, AdrianARG17334
31 Fernandez, Leandro DanielARG16644
32 Dib, NadirARG17144
33 Ballari, PatricioARG17314
34 Gini, SebastianARG18054
35 Tornquist, CarlosARG18344
36 Toffoletto, RamiroARG14984
37 Barreira Vesco, UlisesARG17654
38 Anchava, ThiagoARG04
39 Dotti, FernandoARG16974
40 Medero Mino, LeonARG14234
41 Lopez, HectorARG15974
42 Risso, FernandoARG17493.5
43 Gutierrez, RamiroARG18873.5
44 Bertorello, ConstanzaARG16513.5
45 Amadei, Santiago DavidARG03.5
46 Fournel, BautistaARG15713.5
47 Tesio, UrielARG17303.5
48 Daffunchio, PedroARG17983.5
49 Massetani, Juan PabloARG15493.5
50 Colaneri, MatiasARG16833.5
51 Duran, DiegoARG16633.5
52 Castillo, MichelleARG15983.5
53 Vecchio, Raul AntonioARG17773.5
54 Serrano, FrancoARG15803.5
55 Morgado, WalterARG15053.5
56 Angelini, DiegoARG20143.5
57 Kestler, AdolfoARG15213.5
58 Castillo, GiorgioARG13793.5
59 Bona, Luca JesusARG16403.5
60 Cordoba, Lucas PatricioARG13433.5
61 Castiglioni, DarioARG03.5
62 Villa, LuisARG14293.5
63 Herrera, SolangeARG17263
64 Dioses, IsmaelARG03
65 Chiarotti, GinnoARG14363
66 Simbler, FacundoARG15583
67 Leiva, AiltonARG12523
68 Perassi, IgnacioARG14273
69 Cardenas, HebeARG11483
70 Milito, SantiagoARG10333
71 Rossi, RubenARG17433
72 Di Rosa, AlbanoARG13473
73 Pidone, AnibalARG13373
74 Rivero, ValentinaARG03
75CMFiori, HectorARG20392.5
76 Sandoval, CristianARG02.5
77 Mattia, FacundoARG12572.5
78 Lucci, LudmilaARG02.5
79 Gilabert, GabrielARG11232.5
80 Castillo, BrianARG14762.5
81 Barboza, GinoARG02.5
82 Escobar, AlvaroARG02.5
83 Brito, PabloARG15102.5
84 Pascucci, JoaquinARG17552
85 Flores, CamilaARG02
86 Cinotto, NazarenoARG11802
87 Sarla, AndresARG13342
88 Torres, LorenzoARG11622
89 Medero, Hildo RodrigoARG11132
90 Luduena, Nahuel FacundoARG02
91 Mamelucco, AgustinARG01.5
92 Garcia, ElizandroARG01.5
93 Cabral, RamiroARG01.5
94 Payro, RamiroARG01.5
95 Oldani, Pedro LucaARG01.5
96 Cardenas, MarcosARG14541
97 Bojanich, MartinARG01
98 Conforti, AgustinARG01
99 Marti, OscarARG01
100 Cingolani, BenjaminARG00.5
101 Alvarez, EmilianoARG13730
  Piccardo, RobertoARG13340
103 Rodriguez, SantiagoARG00
104 Mosconi, ArielARG19820

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