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Home ยป GM Alexandr Fier clinches Brazilian Chess Championship 2024

GM Alexandr Fier clinches Brazilian Chess Championship 2024

by L'immortale

The Brazilian Chess Championship 2024 took place from 13-21 December in the city of Natal, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The event was played in 11 rounds, swiss system, with the participation of 161 players who competed for the title of the National Champion and the prize fund of R$42,000 (~6.000 euros).

GM Alexandr Fier (Brazil, 2544) emerged as the sole Winner of the Championship with the score of 9.5 points. Fier suffered a loss in the sixth round against GM Andre Diamant (Brazil, 2493), but then had an impressive finish with 4.5 points in the five remaining rounds. GM Andre Diamant was in the lead before the final round, but lost the game against GM Everaldo Matsuura (Brazil, 2370), allowing Fier to leap on the top.

Scoring a victory in the last round against FM Lucas Costamilan Tomiello (Brazil, 2280), Alexandr Fier clinched his 5th title of the Brazilian Chess Champion (2005, 2017, 2020, 2022, 2024) and claimed the top prize of 1.500 euros.

GM Everaldo Matsuura (Brazil, 2370) and GM Andre Diamant (Brazil, 2493) tied for silver medal scoring 9 points, each, but the first tiebreak criteria was a direct encounter, and Everaldo Matsuura won silver while the whole-time tournament leader Andre Diamant finished third.

FM Juliana Sayumi Terao (Brazil, 2200) was the best-ranked women player in the field, with the final score of 7 points and tied from 17-34 place in the overall rankings. Lange Cristina Matsunaga was second with 5.5 points, and Cibele Florencio Da Silva came third with the score of 5 points.

Final standings – Brazilian Absolute Chess Championship 2024:

Rk. NameTypsexFEDRtgIPts. 
1GMAlexandr Fier  BRA25449.5
2GMEveraldo MatsuuraS50 BRA23709
3GMAndre Diamant  BRA24939
4FMLucas Do Valle Cardoso  BRA23878.5
5IMDiego Rafael Di Berardino  BRA24728.5
6FMLucas Costamilan Tomiello  BRA22808
7CMMatheus Mendes Domingues Ribeiro  BRA22468
8CMLuigy Lira De SiqueiraU18 BRA21727.5
9NMFrancisco Allysson Da S. Muniz  BRA20967.5
10GMDarcy LimaS50 BRA24017.5
11NMMarcio Jordao Barbosa  BRA21927.5
12NMHenrique Barbosa VelosoU18 BRA21727.5
13IMSilvio Cunha PereiraS65 BRA21547.5
14NMArthur Ruiz Patroclo  BRA21087.5
15NMVitor Luis De Jesus SilverioU18 BRA20407.5
16NMDaniel Paiva De Oliveira  BRA20537.5
17IMRoberto Junio Brito Molina  BRA23927
18NMBruno Orlando Starke  BRA21477
19FMJuliana Sayumi Terao wBRA22007
20NMMarcelo Wanderley BouwmanS50 BRA21967
21FMWagner Martins MadeiraS65 BRA21117
22NMErick Feitosa Da Silva  BRA20687
23IMMaximo Iack Macedo  BRA23397
24NMRodrigo Da Silva Borges  BRA21587
25 Carlos Alexandre De Lima  BRA20447
26FMAlvaro Z. Aranha Filho  BRA22057
27NMGiovanni B Tavares Da SilvaU18 BRA20957
28NMDavi Alves Do Nascimento  BRA20027
29NMMarcello De Albuquerque UrquizaS50 BRA20677
30NMJose Gustavo Santos Marques  BRA19217
31 Alan Keissuke Takehara  BRA18907
32FMMateus Costamilan Tomiello  BRA21617
33FMAlfeu Junior Varela Bueno  BRA21907
34NMEnzo Suzarte Ferreira  BRA20897
35NMEdmundo Reis LuzS50 BRA20896.5
36CMLuciano De Souza Zallio  BRA21276.5
37NMRafael Cabral De Souza  BRA20796.5
38NMVitor Firmo De Souza Rocha  BRA21506.5
39NMMarcos Valerio A. SouzaS50 BRA19616.5
40NMTiago Batista Oliveira  BRA20106.5
41 Eduardo De Sousa Lima  BRA19126.5
42NMIzael Brasilino Araujo Da Silva  BRA19526.5
43 Igor Fernandes Da Silva  BRA19046.5
44 Rodrigo Moreira Cavalcante  BRA18726.5
45NMAlcides Alexandre A. Azevedo  BRA20546.5
46 Davi De Azevedo Batista  BRA19046.5
47 Pedro Henrique Melo LimaU16 BRA06.5
48 Jadson Alves De Sousa  BRA18716.5
49NMBenicio Rocha BulhoesU16 BRA19366.5
50 Pedro Lucas Araujo DantasU14 BRA18856.5
51NMPedro Henrique Alves Nascimento  BRA19696.5
52 Luiz Felizola Lima PontesU16 BRA18786
53NMMax Do Carmo Correia  BRA19836
54NMJeronimo Marques PimentaS65 BRA19966
55NMAlan Silva De Lima  BRA19586
56 Helio Ricardo Soutinho PeixotoS65 BRA19176
57 Joao Bosco Filgue Ferreira Filho  BRA18936
58FMRoberto Luiz Costa AndradeS65 BRA19626
59FMCarlos Henrique Lopes PintoS50 BRA20736
60 Joao Gabriel Morais Da SilvaU14 BRA17006
61 Miguel De Lima AmaralU18 BRA18556
62 Paulo Renato Lemos  BRA19036
63 Luiza Karollyne Dantas BarbosaF18wBRA17246
64FMMaximo Valerio MacedoS65 BRA19376
65NMJoao Vitor Rodrigues  BRA18666
66 Jairo Moreira Da SilvaS50 BRA18146
67 Alan Pedro Martins  BRA18345.5
68NMLazaro Miranda Carvalho  BRA19795.5
69 Karline De Valesio Pinto FilhoS50 BRA18935.5
70 Heitor Oliveira CostaU14 BRA18695.5
71 Lucas De Oliveira RochaU18 BRA18695.5
72 Luis Eduardo Dos Reis Almeida  BRA18825.5
73 Fellipe Prado Oliveira  BRA18545.5
74 Rodrigo Azalim Cunha  BRA17585.5
75 Diogo Roger De Sousa Simao  BRA19865.5
76 Isaias De Assis Silva Eloy  BRA17265.5
77 Moises Brasao De AlmeidaU18 BRA05.5
78 Alexandre Souza FontouraS50 BRA18845.5
79 Marlon De Jesus Santos  BRA18235.5
80NMPedro Jorge PintoS65 BRA19365.5
81WNMRenee Blandy T. Brambilla wBRA17475.5
82 Pedro Henrique CardosoU14 BRA16175.5
83 Gleidson Castelo Branc MagalhaesS50 BRA18185.5
84 Lucas Matias De AguiarU12 BRA15875.5
85 Guilherme Menezes CamposU12 BRA15915.5
86 Emanuel Tavares Da Silva Junior  BRA16765.5
87 Lange Cristina Matsunaga wBRA16675.5
88 Deyvid Felipe Gomes De Lima  BRA14905.5
89 Joanderson Muller Lima Andrade  BRA16675.5
90 Lucas Medeiros CostaU16 BRA15865.5
91NMJose Belo TorresS65 BRA20335
92NMJulliano De Araujo Rodrigues  BRA19035
93 Jose Silveira  BRA18655
94 Rodrigo Macedo TajujaU16 BRA17825
95 Marco Tulio Caldeira GomesS50 BRA17695
96 Arthur G A Dantas RodriguesU14 BRA15795
97 Yezo Henrique Guimaraes Brito  BRA16875
98 Luiz Glaudivan Silva De AraujoS50 BRA17215
99 Thales Rodrigo Lima Ananias  BRA17035
100 Laercio Lopes Da SilvaS65 BRA16985
101 Carlos Augusto De C. MathiasS50 BRA17015
102 Cibele Florencio Da Silva wBRA15925
103NMRodrigo CanonicoS50 BRA18065
104WNMCarolina Alves Silva wBRA18635
105 Laura Barbosa De MacedoF14wBRA15665
106 Italo Medeiros DantasU12 BRA16475
107 Kallyel N H O R De LimaU14 BRA05
108 Marcelo Melem BragaS50 BRA16795
109 Matheus Teles Barreto GoncalvesU16 BRA18064.5
110 Marat Soares TeixeiraS50 BRA18364.5
111 Genildo De Souza GomesS65 BRA16914.5
112NMBenjamin Guedes MoraisU08 BRA16424.5
113 David DamascenoU16 BRA04.5
114NMAlexandre Soares De MacedoS65 BRA18434.5
115 Washington Gabriel PiresS50 BRA19104.5
116 Pedro Diender Lessa Lima MouraU16 BRA16314.5
117 Antonio Jose De AraujoS65 BRA16604.5
118 Rodolfo Ribeiro Marinho Filho  BRA15504.5
119 Francisco Neris PereiraS65 BRA16674.5
120 Carlos Eduardo De OliveiraU16 BRA14784.5
121 Gabriel Cunha PintoU08 BRA15254.5
122 Jairo De Souza Moura  BRA04.5
123 Marcelo Caua MeloU14 BRA15164.5
124 Carol Cavalcante De FariasF12wBRA04.5
125 Lucas Barboza SamuelU10 BRA14024
126 Davi Gomes SuassunaU14 BRA04
127 Luana dos Santos OliveiraF18wBRA04
128 Joao Maria De Lima Pereira Neto  BRA04
129 Brasilicio Henrique Campos RegoU16 BRA04
130 Julio Tible CavalcantiU10 BRA14344
131 Maximo Ian MacedoU10 BRA14134
132 Mayra Da SilvaF12wBRA04
133 Fabio Rian MedeirosU18 BRA04
134 Sofia Farias De MacedoF14wBRA14584
135 Heitor Covacevich DinizU10 BRA14064
136 Maria Luiza ZampierF12wBRA04
137 Nicole MagalhaesF18wBRA04
138 Jose Augusto Xavier MacedoU08 BRA03.5
139 Clarice Cunha PintoF12wBRA03.5
140 Francisco Bernadino LopesS65 BRA15793.5
141 Lara Yasmin Pinheiro MatosF14wBRA03.5
142 Jose Delmiro Vasconcelos NetoS50 BRA15853.5
143 Emilly Beatriz Sil Do NascimentoF10wBRA03.5
144 Miguel De AraujoU08 BRA03.5
145 Leonardo Igor De O Cavalcante  BRA17703
146 Miguel Ian B A Da SilvaU16 BRA03
147 Lua Bezerra wBRA03
148 Otavio Rocha OliveiraU08 BRA14023
149 Julian Suellen Silva SouzaF18wBRA03
150 Igor De LimaU12 BRA03
151 Maria Vitoria Da SilvaF12wBRA03
152 Matheus Guilherme De AraujoU16 BRA02.5
153 Danilo Moises GalvaoU14 BRA02.5
154 Amanda Melo Moreira CavalcanteF10wBRA02.5
155 Rai Santos Da Silva  BRA15502.5
156 Davi Luiz Araujo Da SilveiraU10 BRA02
157 Caio Cesar Teixeira De OliveiraU08 BRA02
158 Lucas Da Costa VerasU06 BRA01
159FMEduardo Da Costa Marra  BRA21880
  Haroldo Wladimir Soare De MacedoS50 BRA17530
  Samuel Ramon Da Silva  BRA16300

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