FIDE World Rapid Chess Championship 2024 takes place from 26-28 December in New York, USA. The event features 11 rounds (swiss system) in the Women’s competition, and 13 rounds (swiss system) in the Open tournament.
GM Ju Wenjunย (China) headlines the field of the Womenโs Rapid event, followed byย GM Lei Tingjieย (China),ย GM Tan Zhongyiย (China),ย GM Alexandra Kosteniukย (Switzerland),ย GM Zhu Jinerย (China),ย IM Bibisara Assaubayevaย (Kazakhstan),ย GM Nana Dzagnidzeย (Georgia) and others, whileย IM Anastasia Bodnarukย defends the title.
Women’s World Rapid Chess Championship 2024 – Live games: