16-year-old Indian prodigy Dommaraju Gukesh regained the lead in the FIDE Circuit race after his fantastic performance at the 2023 Tepe Sigeman tournament. With the score of 4 points, Gukesh tied for the second place in the Tepe Sigeman, earning 12.22 FIDE Circuit points. Summing 43.12 points, Gukesh is back on the top of the FIDE Circuit leaderboard.
Levon Aronian is second with 36.71 points earned at the Tata Steel Chess 2023 (7th place – 4.05 circuit points), WR Chess Masters 2023 (1st place – 22.30 points), and Satty Zhuldyz Blitz 2023 (1st place – 10.36 points).
FIDE Circuit race leaderboard: