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Home ยป 42nd Zalakaros Chess Festival – Barczay Laszlo Memorial

42nd Zalakaros Chess Festival – Barczay Laszlo Memorial

by L'immortale

The 42nd edition of the Zalakaros Chess Festival – Barczay Laszlo Memorial will take place from 3-12 June in Zalakaros, Hungary. The event is played in 9 rounds, swiss system, with time control of 90 minutes for 40 moves, plus 30 minutes till the end of the game, and 30-second increment for each move, starting for the move one.

The total prize fund of the event is 1,325,000 HUF (~ $3,900) with 400,000 HUF (~ $1,150) reserved for the Winner of the tournament. The event gathers more than 100 entries with GM Gergely Aczel (Hungary, 2508), GM Adam Horvath (Hungary, 2472) and IM Vladyslav Larkin (Ukraine, 2461) as the top-seeded players.

42nd Zalakaros Chess Festival – Barczay Laszlo Memorial official regulations

42nd Zalakaros Chess Festival – participants list:

No. NameFEDRtg
1GMAczel, GergelyHUN2508
2GMHorvath, AdamHUN2472
3IMLarkin, VladyslavUKR2461
4FMVanczak, TamasHUN2398
5IMIlamparthi, A RIND2393
6FMPribelszky, BenceHUN2387
7FMPapp, LeventeHUN2349
8FMAradhya, GargIND2339
9IMManea, AlexandruROU2319
10FMLoiacono, AntonioITA2311
11IMTompa, JanosHUN2303
12FMLoiacono, LeonardoITA2291
13IMSai Agni Jeevitesh, JIND2289
14FMMalicka, MariaPOL2255
15 Ojas, KulkarniIND2241
16 Fodor, BalazsHUN2235
17IMIanov, ViktorUKR2228
18IMDamia, AngeloITA2223
19IMVegh, EndreHUN2213
20 Nagy, KristofHUN2210
21 Moosavifar, Seyed AbolfazlIRI2209
22WFMDemeter, DorinaHUN2183
23 Pogany, ZsomborHUN2174
24 Gergely, DanielHUN2165
25WGMHuda, MaryanaUKR2160
26WIMZubova, MariyaUKR2159
27WIMPriyanka, KIND2154
28IMBorsos, BogdanUKR2144
29IMMedancic, RikardCRO2133
30 Magdy, MoradEGY2121
31IMMufic, GoranCRO2116
32 Dobai, SzabolcsHUN2116
33 Bodrogi, BendeguzHUN2113
34 Haselbach, DavidHUN2099
35 Herczeg, MarcellHUN2097
36 Jeszenszky, JozsefHUN2079
37WIMLuong, Phuong HanhVIE2078
38 Bhillva, Nilaya K E KIND2074
39 Varga, RichardHUN2072
40 Friml, AntoninCZE2065
41FMHrbolka, LadislavCZE2062
42 Kuru, AtillaTUR2056
43FMBoronyak, ArpadHUN2053
44 Sperat Czar, NicolasFRA2038
45 Szakmary, DomonkosHUN2032
46FMCsala, ImreHUN2015
47 Vrchotka, JosefCZE2005
48 Apro, BarnabasHUN1994
49FMKincs, ImreHUN1992
50WCMKheerthi, GantaIND1989
51 Reitinger, PetrCZE1986
52 Metaxasz, VasziliszHUN1975
53 Balogh, MartonHUN1960
54 Fultner, JaromirCZE1944
55 Gunyecz, Zoltan Dr.HUN1929
56 Sala, DaliborCZE1920
57 Borocz, LorincHUN1916
58CMJaivardhan, RajIND1901
59 Korcz, SandorHUN1901
60 Arvind, Ramnath IyerIND1897
61 Liessens, TomBEL1895
62 Szabo – Thomka, DanielHUN1892
63 Sipos, StefaniaHUN1882
64 Lancaric, TomasSVK1879
65 Chitre, ArushIND1868
66 Valenta, PetrCZE1867
67 Reitinger, JanCZE1861
68 Somogyi, GaborHUN1860
69 Alexandrova, AngelinaHUN1843
70 Csiszar, AlbertHUN1834
71 Gal, LajosHUN1834
72 Kiraly, Lilla ViragHUN1825
73 Bellan, IstvanHUN1814
74 Cseke, MihalyHUN1813
75IMChubar, VladimirUKR1776
76WFMToth, NikolettaHUN1775
77 Marosvolgyi, FerencHUN1773
78 Deak, LaszloHUN1753
79AFMMegyeri, MartinHUN1751
80 Radics, Laszlo Dr.HUN1749
81 Aydin, HakanTUR1744
82 Thapa, Lekh BahadurNEP1741
83 Bauer, PavelCZE1734
84 Kossela, PeterHUN1730
85 Jerabek, JanCZE1719
86 Wunder, Tamas-GaborROU1714
87 Dlauchy, PeterHUN1687
88 Farkas, ViragHUN1682
89 Borsfai, AttilaHUN1675
90 Nagy, BenedekHUN1674
91 Gyorfi, NorbertHUN1651
92 Kollmann, ArminHUN1647
93 Mlinko, Bela AndrasHUN1624
94 Kollmann, KlaraHUN1614
95 Samal, JanCZE1601
96 Toth, CharlesFRA1575
97 Morovan-Szabo, LorincHUN1554
98 Avetisyan, AniARM1509
99 Szabo, ZsomborHUN1488
100 Varga, MarkoHUN1468
101 Bedi, BenceHUN1461
102 Herczeg, BenedekHUN1444
103 Toth, TimeaHUN1339
104 Dervalics, AnnaHUN0

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