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Home ยป 16-year-old Haowen Xue becomes Grandmaster and wins the Caplin Hastings Chess Masters

16-year-old Haowen Xue becomes Grandmaster and wins the Caplin Hastings Chess Masters

by L'immortale

The 98th edition of the Caplin Hastings International Chess Congress was held from 28th December to 5th January 2025 at the Horntye Park Sports Complex, Hastings, England. The Congress featured Masters Tournament, Con Power tournament, New Year tournament and Weekend Congress event.

16-year-old Haowen Xue (China, 2502) emerged victorious in the Caplin Hastings Chess Masters, with the score of 7/9 points. Haowen Xue was unbeaten in the tournament, and emerged as the sole Winner, earning the prize of ยฃ2,500. With the performance of 2645, Haowen Xue claimed his third Grandmaster norm and fulfilled all requirements for the GM title.

As many as six players tied for second place, trailing by half a point: GM Pengxiang Zhang (China, 2567), GM Pierre Laurent-Paoli (France, 2559), GM Shreyas Royal (England, 2522), GM Kirk Ghazarian (USA, 2501), GM Eldar Gasanov (Ukraine, 2476), and GM Daniel Gormally (England, 2424).

16-year-old Haowen Xue wins Caplin Hastings Masters

Hastings Con Power event was played from 28-31 December with three sections: U2150, U1950, and U1750. The events were played in 6-swiss rounds, and Jonathan Arnott (England, 2082) and Younggyu Lee (South Korea, 1722) tied for the top of the U2150 category scoring 4.5 points, Paul Kelly (Wales, 1939) and AIM Aram Swiatkowski (England, 1792) shared first in the U1950 section with 5 points, while Paul Jackson (England, 1721) emerged as the sole Winner of the U1750 category with the score of 5.5 points.

New Year tournaments were played in three rating categories with 5-swiss rounds in each tournament: U2050, U1850, and U1650. Oliver Howell (England, 1950) and Gerben Van Pel (Netherlands, 1925) tied for the top in the U2050 event with 4 points, three players tied for first in the U1850 section: Chris Howell (England, 1849), Ben Sadler (England, 1824), and Louie Ellson (England, 1821) scoring 4 points, and Erik Heitmann (Germany, 1593) won the U1650 tournament with 4.5 points.

Caplin Hastings Congress venue; Photo by Matthew Sadler

The Weekend Chess Open was played from 3-5 January in Open, Major, Inter and Minor categories. Jack Liu (England, 2180) won the Open tournament with the score of 4.5/5 points, Sylvio Prudent (France, 1780) triumphed in the Major event with 4.5 points, Caelan Rooney (England, 1724) and Zoe Pellatt (England, 1663) tied for the top of the Inter championship with 4.5 points, and Daniel Evans-White (England, 1437) won Minor event with the perfect score of 5/5 points.

Detailed information and all results are available on the Official website.

Final Standings – Caplin Hastings Chess Masters:

Rk. NamesexFEDRtgPts. 
1 Xue, Haowen CHN25027
2GMZhang, Pengxiang CHN25676.5
 GMLaurent-Paoli, Pierre FRA25596.5
 GMRoyal, Shreyas ENG25226.5
 GMGhazarian, Kirk USA25016.5
 GMGasanov, Eldar UKR24766.5
 GMGormally, Daniel W ENG24246.5
8GMStefansson, Vignir Vatnar ISL25376
 IMSeo, Jung Min SWE24916
 IMBazakutsa, Svyatoslav UKR24846
 GMKovchan, Alexander UKR24556
 IMZhou, Yang-Fan ENG24246
 FMGrutter, Tim NED23796
 IMSiva, Mahadevan IND23496
 FMLux, Hugo De Melo BRA23276
 FMBadacsonyi, Stanley ENG22666
17IMBoyer, Mahel FRA25265.5
 IMKaasen, Tor Fredrik NOR24735.5
 FMGolding, Alex ENG24055.5
 IMVestby-Ellingsen, Mads NOR23835.5
 FMWaldhausen Gordon, Frederick SCO23555.5
 FMRoux, Baptiste FRA23385.5
 FMNielsen, Andre NOR22765.5
  Bozinakis, Pavlos GRE22715.5
  Golding, James ENG22035.5
  Brown, Tom WLS21185.5
  Verbytski, Oleg ENG20335.5
 WFMRida, RuqayyahwENG20195.5
  Struck, Lasse GER19835.5
30IMBalaji, Aaravamudhan ENG23645
 IMLucas, Arthur FRA23355
 FMBadacsonyi, Frankie ENG22185
  Bin-Suhayl, Ieysaa ITA21835
  Briem, Benedikt ISL21325
  Kolani, Arjun ENG21315
  Saunders, Aron ENG21065
 WFMVerbin, ValentinawMDA20935
 CMAbrahams, Daniel CAN20725
  Bharat Kumar, Balahari ENG20635
  Kolka, David ISL20205
 WCMBhatia, KanishkawSCO20185
  Malinovskii, Ilia ENG20035
  Jukes, Sam WLS19115
  Sasikumar, Srivathsan ENG19045
  Dewangan, Aayush ENG18785
46 Boswell, Jacob Connor ENG22774.5
  Liu, Jack ENG22254.5
  Steiners, Emils LAT22094.5
  Chandler, Cliff R ENG21614.5
  Brewer, Callum D ENG21514.5
  Patel, Zain ENG20994.5
  Zhang, Junyi ENG20704.5
 IMMarusenko, Petr UKR20214.5
  White, Stuart A SCO20174.5
  Rayner, Francis WLS20134.5
  Adams, Henry ENG19914.5
  Gu, In-Jung KOR19874.5
  Suez-Panama, Gilles FRA19794.5
  Bilandzic, Ante DEN19124.5
60IMMuir, Andrew J SCO22144
 FMWall, Tim P ENG21734
  Dette, Jan GER21024
  Cheng, Louis SCO20874
  Burrows, Martin P ENG20424
 ACMLishoy Gengis Paratazham, Dildarav ENG20374
 CMZhang, Kendrick Botong NZL19794
 WFMNorinkeviciute, RasawLTU19524
  Samarasinghe, Jude Ranga SRI19444
 AIMFryer, David W ENG19284
  Ahn, Sungmin KOR19264
  Vaidyanathan, Adithya ENG19044
  Keely, Leo A ENG18994
  Pick, Freddie ENG18744
  Kennedy, Craig SCO18514
  Lee, Jungsoo KOR17054
  Kim, Yegeon KOR16974
  Kim, Nayoon BwKOR16634
78 Schimnatkowski, Lukas GER22213.5
  Sciupokas, Arunas LTU19693.5
  Mikalajunas, Kajus ENG19413.5
  Hu, Junyan ENG19333.5
  Vaidyanathan, Sathya ENG19083.5
  Kim, Taewoo A KOR18633.5
  Buckland, Louis ENG18563.5
  Jacobs, Simon ENG17563.5
  Swiatkowski, Dominik ENG17443.5
87 Gorainow, Nikita GER20453
 WCMAshton, AlannahwENG19533
  Alcindor, Samuel FRA19273
  Rastogi, Nayan Keats ENG18923
  Ruane, Brendan J ENG18693
  Stokes, Stephen IRL18663
  Eldridge, Albert ENG18503
  Flynn, David ENG18343
  Miller, Daniel ENG17893
  Prudent, Sylvio FRA17803
  Wilson, Matthew R ENG17663
  Chapman, Luke ENG17063
  Choi, Hyunbin KOR16733
100 Byron, Alan M ENG20692.5
  Zhu, YaoyaowENG19902.5
  Rubeck, Jonathan ENG18242.5
  Butt, Laurence A ENG18182.5
  Raffin-Sumyk, Piermael FRA15122.5
105 Blewitt, Stephen D ENG18312
  Graham, Oliver ENG17892
107 Bryant, Marc A ENG18251.5
  Han, Yongsu KOR17181.5
109 Kelly, Paul J WLS18391
  Wheeler, James M ENG18631
  Honarvarmahalati, Hooman IRI17971
 CMArnott, Jonathan W ENG20821

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