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Home ยป 16-year-old GM Subramaniyam Bharath wins Cannes Chess Festival 2024

16-year-old GM Subramaniyam Bharath wins Cannes Chess Festival 2024

by L'immortale

The Cannes Chess Festival 2024 finished today in France after 7 days of great over the board fights. The Festival gathered more than 400 participants who competed over three sections: Open A, Open B and Open C.

It was a thrilling last round in the main Open A event, as four players entered the final round co-leading the event. 16-year-old GM Subramaniyam Bharath (India, 2515) won his 9th-round game against talented Turkish IM Adar Tarhan (Turkey, 2415) and emerged as the sole Winner of the event with the score of 7.5 points. Finishing half a point ahead of the runner-ups Bharath earned the prize of 1.800 euros reserved for the tournament Winner.

As many as four players tied for second place scoring 7 points, but IM Kazybek Nogerbek (Kazakhstan, 2463) had the best tiebreak criteria and came second, GM Li Di (China, 2563) was third, IM Savva Vetokhin (FIDE, 2410) finished fourth, and IM Ilamparthi A R (India, 2414) finished the event in the fifth place. Final standings can be seen below

Cannes Chess Festival 2024 – Playing venue

Valentin Scraper (France, 2081) and Nanne Van Foreest (Netherlands, 1927) tied for the top of the Open B with 7.5/9 points each. However, Valentin Scraper had better additional criteria and won the tournament. Gaspar Nguyen (France, 1512) dominated in the Open C, triumphing in the tournament with a convincing score of 8/9 points.

Detailed information on official website. Photos by Cannes Chess Club Facebook page.

Final standings – Cannes Chess Festival 2024 Open A:

2mNOGERBEK Kazybek2463 F7
3gLI Di2563 F7
4mVETOKHIN Savva2410 F7
6mTARHAN Adar2415 F6ยฝ
7mZHAO Yuanhe2449 F6ยฝ
8 BELKAID Sohan2414 F6ยฝ
9fABDILKHAIR Abilmansur2357 F6ยฝ
10gSASIKIRAN Krishnan2585 F6
11fROUX Baptiste2331 F6
13mXIANG Zeyu2407 F6
14mCAN Isik2492 F6
15gPETKOV Momchil2504 F6
16mBARBOT Pierre2426 F6
17mMATERIA Marco2434 F6
18mDEGRAEVE Remy2445 F6
19fKACPRZAK Karol2322 F6
20gPURANIK Abhimanyu2635 F5ยฝ
21mDI NICOLANTONIO Lucas2391 F5ยฝ
22mGARIFULLINA Leya2422 F5ยฝ
23 ROBERT Mathias2169 F5ยฝ
24fOZCAN Kaan2172 F5ยฝ
25fKUHN Clement2333 F5ยฝ
27gZENG Chongsheng2597 F5ยฝ
28 ASSYLOV Miras2176 F5ยฝ
29fGELAS Christophe2286 F5ยฝ
30gDEGRAEVE Jean-Marc2465 F5ยฝ
31fBON Michael2353 F5ยฝ
32mRAAHUL V S2324 F5ยฝ
33fHERCEGOVAC Neven2301 F5ยฝ
34mLAMARD Guillaume2502 F5ยฝ
35fVAN FOREEST Machteld2340 F5ยฝ
36mCHEN Qi B2466 F5
37mPHILIPPE Guillaume2342 F5
38gfKAMALIDENOVA Meruert2381 F5
39gGODENA Michele2440 F5
41fKOSTOV Deyan Samuil2236 F5
42 ROHIT S2215 F5
44mGATINEAU Yovann2417 F5
45mfKAIRBEKOVA Amina2204 F5
46 COLLINS Adam2189 F5
47 DUMAS Charles2223 F5
48mTAHAY Alexis2392 F5
49fWILLEMS Niels2322 F5
50mLOISEAU Quentin2429 F5
51fRODRIGUEZ Adrien2341 F5
52mfNURMAN Alua2326 F5
53fPIPIRAS Filipa Fortuna2235 F5
54 LUDWIG Remi2244 F5
55fDAESCHLER Florian2240 F4ยฝ
57 BREUIL Virgile2294 F4ยฝ
58fSAYA Ethan2123 F4ยฝ
59 KRIVENKO Dion2239 F4ยฝ
60ffSHUKHMAN Anna2213 F4ยฝ
61fBASSINI Emile2354 F4ยฝ
62 KAVCIYAN Yega2140 F4ยฝ
63fKURU Atilla2184 F4ยฝ
64fMATTENBERGER Matthias2221 F4ยฝ
65ffSTAROSTA Martyna2205 F4ยฝ
66fBIFULCO Michel2315 F4ยฝ
67 VINCENTI Leonardo2085 F4ยฝ
68 BOULOS Paul2154 F4ยฝ
69 ZHANG Xiao2189 F4ยฝ
70fDUBESSAY Bastien2261 F4ยฝ
71fMICOTTIS Dorian2248 F4ยฝ
72 TULLIEZ Andre2077 F4ยฝ
73fDEGARDIN Sylvain2247 F4ยฝ
74fFRICK Christoph2147 F4ยฝ
75fIPEK Egehan2150 F4ยฝ
76 URBANI Gabriel2220 F4ยฝ
77fOHLER Julius2279 F4ยฝ
78mSONG Julien2331 F4ยฝ
79 DENJOY Arnaud2155 F4
80 MATHEZ Florian2160 F4
81 BIGONNET Jean-Michel2095 F4
82 DERIGE KANE Yan2223 F4
83mCALISTRI Tristan2200 F4
85 VU DINH Adrien2163 F4
86 LLARI Marc2138 F4
87 BOUMRAR Ayrad2120 F4
88 BORNE Felix2104 F4
89fKACPRZAK Kacper2280 F4
90fBARRISH Daniel2283 F4
91 GODBOLE Atharva2209 F4
92mfJANZELJ Lara2167 F4
93 WARNIER Yanis2070 F4
94fBREUIL Tristan2305 F4
95 TRABET Mathis2205 F4
96 TRABET Nicolas2178 F4
97fAURIBAULT Louis2139 F4
98 VIJAYAKUMAR Rishi2166 F4
99 HEREGA Nejc2257 F4
100 CANDIAN Lorenzo2202 F4
101mCELIK Hasan Huseyin2436 F3ยฝ
102 KOULITCHENKO Alexandre2154 F3ยฝ
103fPIGEAT Alexandre2363 F3ยฝ
104fMALKA Samuel2211 F3ยฝ
105fISTVANOVSZKI Martin2334 F3ยฝ
106 DE BALMANN Marc2166 F3ยฝ
107 AVANESYAN Davit2195 F3ยฝ
108ffMONPEURT Cyrielle2187 F3ยฝ
109 BUI Christopher2014 F3ยฝ
110 LISSILLOUR Baptiste2284 F3ยฝ
111 MARTIN Nils2032 F3ยฝ
112 FLYNN Jacob2179 F3ยฝ
113 BOEHMER Christian2143 F3ยฝ
114mPEIN Malcolm2289 F3ยฝ
115 LIPECKI Alexander2191 F3
116 MIDY Robin2162 F3
117 CELIK Ali Alper2126 F3
119 MIDOUX Sebastien2213 F3
120 PANJER Sidney2059 F3
121 MARTEL BRUNIAUX Malko2073 F3
122 SAAD Gabriel2081 F3
123 MAZZINI Mauro2111 F2ยฝ
124 STIJVE Niels2123 F2ยฝ
125fBORNE Niels2085 F2ยฝ
126 TSIAPKO Andrii2110 F2ยฝ
127 GERONIMI Jean-Thomas2116 F2ยฝ
128 GEMELLI Romain2173 F2ยฝ
129 CHARLIER Antoine2040 F2ยฝ
130 KHARITONOV Sergei2115 F2ยฝ
131 HALEGUA Dani2094 F2ยฝ
132 SENTISSI Yassine2106 F1ยฝ
133 GUILLEMART Serge2145 F1ยฝ
134 ALLARD Thomas2123 F1ยฝ
135mBORGO Giulio2331 F1
136fLAZO Andrei2165 F0

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