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Home » 1000GM Memorial Day Super Swiss

1000GM Memorial Day Super Swiss

by doubleattack
Embassy Suites SFO

The 1000GM Memorial Day Super Swiss will take place from 23-27th May at the Embassy Suites SFO, ​250 Gateway Boulevard, San Francisco, California, USA.

The Super Swiss format is a 9-round tournament with 40+ players rated over 2000 FIDE and sufficient foreign participation to offer best chances at fulfilling FIDE norm titles criteria. The time control is G/90; inc/30.

The total prize fund is $10,000 guaranteed.
Prizes: $3000 – $1700 – $1300 – $1000 – $800 – $650 – $500 – $400 – $350 – $300

Schedule (Pacific Time):

Opening Ceremony: May 23: 5:30 pm
Round 1: May 23 1: 6 pm
Round 2-3: May 24: 11 am and 5 pm
Round 4-5: May 25: 11 am and 5 pm
Round 6-7: May 26: 11 am and 5 pm
Round 8-9: May 27: 10 am and 3:30 pm
Closing Ceremony: May 27: 8:30 pm

Entry fees:

GMs/Foreign 2300+: Free
Conditions available, please see section below for more information.
$200 deducted from prize if registered after May 1st
US IMs: $400
2300+ FIDE (Residing in CA): $750
2300+ FIDE (Not Residing in CA): $500
2200-2299 FIDE (Residing in CA): $900
2200-2299 FIDE (Not Residing in CA): $600
2100-2199 FIDE (All): $1000
2000-2099 FIDE (All): $1200
2000 – 2299 FIDE (Foreign federation): $400
Entry fees are based on March FIDE ratings.


GM Vojtech Plat CZE 2528
GM David Brodsky USA 2515
GM Balaji Daggupati USA 2490
GM Steven Zierk USA 2487
GM Joshua Sheng USA 2463
IM Josiah Stearman USA 2462
GM Rahul Peddi IND 2458
GM Batchuluun Tsegmed MGL 2458
IM Raja Panjwani CAN 2458
GM Azer Mirzoev AZE 2447
GM Gabor Nagy HUN 2436
IM Mark Heimann USA 2435
IM Benjamin Haldorsen NOR 2419
GM Aleksa Strikovic SRB 2418
IM Aleksandr Ostrovskiy USA 2411
FM Anthony Atanasov CAN 2407
GM Vladimir Georgiev MKD 2392
IM Martin Cerveny CZE 2377
IM Gabriel Bick USA 2373
IM Joseph Levine USA 2373
IM Kyron Griffith USA 2361
FM Isaac Wang USA 2336
GM Jacek Stopa POL 2335
FM Benjamin Tang USA 2324
Lucas Jiang USA 2318
FM Shawnak Shivakumar USA 2317
FM Henry Deng USA 2305
Dylan Tang USA 2288
FM Rose Atwell USA 2285
Shaashwath Sivakumar USA 2277
CM Neil Doknjas CAN 2273
FM Zachary Dukic CAN 2266
FM Zoey Tang USA 2262
CS Rajesh IND 2258
FM Advay Bansal USA 2242
Aditya Arutla USA 2238
FM Andrew Guo USA 2216
Yiding Lu USA 2213
CM Ethan Guo USA 2211
CM Ethan Song CAN 2209
Rohan Rajaram USA 2198
CM Joseph Wan USA 2187
IM Leon Piasetski CAN 2159
Sibo Wu CHN 2142
FM Alexandre Kretchetov RUS 2141
CM Jingyun Yang CAN 2122
James Nguyen USA 2114
WFM Chloe Gaw USA 2092
CM Neeraj Harish USA 2090
Vishva Nanugonda USA 2073
Vedant Talwalkar USA 2020
Joshua Xia USA 2011
Rishabh Chinni USA 2010
Sepehr Golsefidy USA 2006
Hanchi Yao USA 2003
Zachary Liu CAN 1910
Xavier Negron SGP 1789
Taewoo Kim KOR 1603

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